Lose Weight to Alleviate Foot Pain? Wha??

Yesterday was certainly no walk in the park for this baghag. I had to go see a physical therapist because I felt some kind of a lump on the arch of my right foot. This after I had been experiencing some kind of overstretched ligament sensation (not something pleasant) on the dominant vein right on my arch each time I’d “overwalk”. This sensation was something I’d feel each time I walk or stand for over an hour. You see, especially during those recent out-of- town trips, I make sure to walk, walk, walk instead of taking the cab or the public transport. I not only save money (yes, this is the main reason haha), I also get to “exercise”, which is something I no longer do.

Anyway, some nights ago, I decided to massage my aching foot (instead of calling for a masseuse haha… again, in an attempt to save money :D). It was then that I felt a little knot (ok, more like a little ball) at the base of the dominant vein on the arch. I freaked out (in secret). The usual things came to mind (i.e. I have cancer, I have some malignant tumor, I will never walk again… I know, I know. But I am soooo paranoid!). I casually told DM about it (hoping not to sound scared) and before I knew it, DM was accompanying me to her therapist . She insisted we go see her doctor before deciding on whether we should go see a podiatrist. I feared for the worst and braced myself (I am very O.A. *over-acting*, so you can imagine what I was texting DH while I waiting for my turn at the clinic). I tried playing with my new iPhone (compliments of Globe. Thank you Globe Telecom hehe!!) but my mind couldn’t be persuaded to think about other things.

Finally, after some 3 hours of waiting, it was my turn. The doctor (who is really a kind soul) feels the arch of my right foot. In an instant, he asks me these questions: 1. Did you gain weight recently? 2. Have you been walking a lot? 3. Do you like buying cheap shoes? All three questions were asked with a smile.

I gulped. (Guilty on ALL THREE COUNTS– and take note, I didn’t even bother answering coz I felt my face turn beet red. That was answer enough for the good doctor. *Sigh*)

Doctor smiles some more and tells me that I have “strained” the veins on the arch of my foot. There was a very complicated sounding medical term for it, and I can’t even tell you what it is because I obviously can’t pronounce (or spell for that matter) or even sound the medical term off!! Bottom line, if I don’t 1. Wear shoes with better arch support, 2. Stop walking too much or doing strenuous footwork, 3. Lose some weight so my feet would be able to handle my body weight better, my foot condition would only worsen and can eventually cause serious pains when walking.

I zero’ed in on #3– lose some weight??? *Gasp* But I KNOW I’m within my BMI range!! Telling a glutton to start going on a diet is a serious form of psychological torture. *Screams*

All thoughts of food I ate in Paris flooded my mind…

That wonderful dinner at Chez Francis
My pumpkin soup
My huge plate full of beef carpaccio and arugula
*These among others I’ve eaten*

All those yummy treats (pictured below) I intended to try next time I go to Paris again haunted me.

CARBSMore paté
Ohh… I felt so terrible.

So what do I do in Paris next time (of course, the key words being “next time” because I need to work my buns off before I get to fly out again)? I guess the only way to go next time, is to go up and down Champs Elysées,
window shop at Goyard (take note, WINDOW shop)
(dogs with Goyard collars?Wow, the owners probably didn’t get hit by recession yet haha!)

And then of course pass by 31 Rue Cambon, “home” of Coco Chanel.
Of course, remember to walk away with nothing else except fond memories of having been there.

P.S. I still think it’s a morbid thought to be asked to lose weight. If the doctor says it’s necessary, I guess it only means one thing– Bikram Yoga *uh ohhh*. Because I’m certainly NOT going on a diet! I may be able to ban myself from spending money on things I do not need *Whatever little remaining moolah I have now needs to be used to pay for those darned credit card bills accumulated last month anyway…*, but I am certainly not going to torture myself from abstaining on the very foods I love! (Especially since my workplace has the five restaurants I sooo love: Pepper Lunch, Healthy Shabu Shabu, Kuretake, Elbert’s Cheesesteak Sandwiches, Kulinarya)

*Big Sigh*

P.P.S. Quick shoutout to DollyC, thanks SO much for the bottles of Holly’s fresh milk!!! Loving it!! 🙂 And to Angela: You’re right- it’s plantar fasciitis!!!! Yes, I admit, it must be age too (and I read at Wiki that it’s also due to inactivity *crap, but I’m not really sitting on my buns the whole day though*. And I can no longer wear heels with zero arch support. I guess it’s time to hold a Spring Cleaning garage sale for my shoes. *hmm!*


6 thoughts on “Lose Weight to Alleviate Foot Pain? Wha??

  1. my mom regularly has aching feet and she was told she had plantar fascitis. She’s 145 pounds and 5’8 1/2 (im not sure if that’s classified overweight.) But she was prescribed to lose weight, wear 2″ heels and avoid superflat shoes altogether.–Angela

  2. its really like that when you are getting older. your resistance to rich foods seem to disappear. all these yummy pleasures at the expense of our body. thats why do not be surprised anymore if you are starting to have aches & pains even in the most mundane places. like the gays say – a moment on the lips, forever on the hips!

  3. I don’t think you need to lose weight. You look fabulous! You may have over walked yourself in your last trip. Walking is always a good exercise but make sure you got walking shoes with good arch support. Sadly, there aren’t many fab looking arch support shoes out there. I think on occasions like long walking, people will forgive you for wearing such shoes. Smile ka na Mrs. T. You do not need to lose weight.

  4. if it’s plantar fasciitis, why don’t you get some custom insoles that support the arch done for your feet? It works absolute wonders for me, I wear them with everything (except flip flops) and they make all the difference. It even helped me lose weight cause I was able to run longer in the treadmill.

  5. sorry to hear about the pain in your foot. My girlfriend managed to get a blister on the arch of her foot recently. weird and very painful. Love the Paris pictures! Hope you don’t mind but I have a link to your very cool blog on my blog. I am a bag lover myself with too many to count!

  6. Hi, try using Fit Flops. I used to have intense back pains after long bouts of walking. Fit Flops has great arch support and it really makes you feel like you’re walking on air. When I first saw Fit Flops, I didn’t want to buy it because I find it ugly. Boy, was I in for a surprise when I first used it. The comfort more than makes up for its blah design

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