Things to do in Paris during Winter…

You cannot go on a diet when you go to France. You can forget about shopping– that which entails abusing your credit card (yes, and that is a comment coming from someone who just loves to shop too), but you simply cannot forget about eating. It would be too heinous to ignore food in France.

At Ladureé, you shouldn’t just be going for the macaroons and pastries, you should also sit down and have real food.

Foie gras (sinful, sinful, sinful)

Foie gras with mango macaroon (this doesn’t taste as sinful as the other dish, but is just as good, especially with the rock salt)

Omelet with black truffles (God I could eat two of these!! And I could eat this every single day… sigh)

After the meal, a walk around the area was necessary (or else I’ll get sleepy). It was 4 deg. C that day…

At the mothership, Hermes. Why I still love this brand is something I cannot comprehend. (Hmm… conspicuous consumer talking!)

Matte crocodile 30cm birkin

Suede birkin and another printed 40cm birkin (that’s not for sale)
Orange crocodile birkin 30cm
The corner window
Beautiful etoupe crocodile HAC

Look, it’s definitely the year of Crystals! Even Hermes used these quartz crystal wands on their window dressing 🙂 *More on “crystals” soon*
*Sigh*, I may have missed this year’s Hermes sale, but I’m hoping not to miss the second one. I frankly don’t have any intentions of using and especially abusing my credit cards (Hehehe in fact, I am resorting to chopping them all up already to prevent any more debt hahaha), I just want to go there for the experience. And go back to Paris hahaha (another excuse to go back is always welcome! Benefactors for my next Parisian trip are even more welcome! 😀 )

Anyway, after a whole day of walking around, which included the constant exposure to the biting cold, I decided to do the unexpected. Go ice skating 🙂

Hotel de Ville still had the ice skating rink. I couldn’t resist. Even if I looked ridiculous.I haven’t been on ice for over 12 years. Here’s a little something you don’t know about me– while I was in college, I briefly took skating lessons (in Berkeley Iceland on Milvia before they shut the rink down ) with a figure skater who competed in the Olympics back in the 70s *I don’t know if she won though*. She was real good… alas I only remember her first name– Evelyn. . I got as far as learning how to do small jumps and spins (ok, pathetic, 3 SLOW pirouettes, and one lousy jump that landed me in an ankle brace… hahhaa yes, I sprained my ankle when I landed hahaha). So much for those expensive lessons *sorry Dad :D*.

When I stepped on Parisian ice, I had difficulty balancing. It’s like I’ve never even tried skating before. I couldn’t go forward, but I had no difficulty skating backward and “braking” *beams* hehehe. I guess those would’ve been the only indication that I did skate before! *Pathetic*

I did have fun though, and had worked up quite an appetite. Restaurant of the night: Leon de Bruxelles 🙂

Specialité de la maison: Les Moules (or Mussels).I had the Moules Provençale. It was soooooo good. I worry about my uric acid levels shooting up, but bah, who cares. After all, it’s not everyday I get to eat mussels. I don’t even eat mussels in Manila anymore because of all those Red Tide scares… 😦

Anyway peeps, time for me to park my words here. Hope you enjoyed this Parisian post 🙂 More photos coming soon!


3 thoughts on “Things to do in Paris during Winter…

  1. hi Ms. T, this is totally off topic but I’m just curious.Will those buying really good fakes be caught by the fashion police? I travelled with a friend to Paris, I bringing a nicely crafted leather bag by Fino while she bringing a mirror image Chanel Caviar Jumbo Flap. And no Fashion Police went to accost us, while I’ve heard of reports of people getting fined for carrying fakes. Is it a crime to carry a fake bag (not sell them)? Or was it just a really good fake the Fashion Police failed to notice them?

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