2009’s First Bag Review!

WOW! Was 2008 a fantastic year or what? πŸ™‚ *let’s not take the financial crisis and recession into the picture here when I say it was “fantastic :D*

Now, before I go on babbling about once more, I hope that everyone began 2009 “right”. It’s always a good thing to begin the year the right way, meaning no conflicts or fights, and nothing else except happiness, happiness, happiness (even if it means receiving your darned credit card bill hahaha– you can always feign ignorance or amnesia when it comes to paying time hehe *hooo boy, I am already a bad influence and it’s just the start of 2009 haha*).

I was planning on coming up with a 2009 New Year’s Resolution list, but then after much thought, I’ve decided to ditch that idea because I’ve already embarrassed myself so many times on this blog (because I don’t practice what I preach), that having another 2009 “to- do” or “must-do” list is just moot. I mean, I wasted your time the first time I came up with a list of resolutions. I revisited last year’s resolutions, and I can’t even say I was able to do all that I had set out to do. It’s shameful to even bring them all up now. *Sob… mercy! mercy!!*

So instead of focusing on my mistakes again which I mean to “resolve” this 2009 *ho-hummm*, I wanna just share more goodies for everyone πŸ™‚ Forget the personal resolutions– that’s already out of the window. Gotta live a little, you know? *Snicker.. or live a lot haha*

Sooo.. what’s this year going to bring us? More bags? Bling? Food? A new job?

Oh oh oh speaking of new job, guess what! I do have a job now! I’m officially a security guard *ok go ahead and snicker, but this is a respectable job! Pfffft*. On certain nights, I find myself walking alongside Rockwell’s finest public safety men in closing the mall πŸ˜‰ *WooHoo!!*. So there. I guess all I need to do now is to ask my partners for a decent salary worthy of a moonlighting security guard hehehe. (Note to self: update resumΓ© and add new position to make resumΓ© look nicer hehe)

Anyway, the last week and a half spent at Rockwell’s Powerplant Mall made me notice one thing– the people who walk the mall halls are very au courant with bag fashion. It’s really amazing. I honestly am so amazed at the in- depth knowledge of women (and MEN!!!) about bags– be it a Goyard, Chanel, or Hermes! It goes to show that the baghags of today do their research on bags before they spend their money on them. I am so proud of these women and men. At least now, there’s “education” behind their expense. After all, it does make a lot of sense to know where you spend your money, and the so- called “logic” (yes, why you “need” the bag, and why that particular brand!) behind the expense.

So now that you have been able to justify a frivolous *cough I mean Important* expense to yourself (or horrors, to your loved ones who still don’t know about the most recent “expense” til the bills come pouring in this January hahahha), you can map out your financial future for 2009 *I mean your bag fund for 2009 hehe*.

From what I’ve seen so far, it looks like 2009 might just make us spend some more. Set aside those classic bags like the LV Speedy and the Chanel 2.55 (which people can’t seem to get enough of– I’ve counted over 30 women with it over a weekend at Rockwell!!). We have those new Stephen Sprouse/ Louis Vuitton bags to look forward to come Spring, and then we also have those Chanel shopping totes that of late, people are already lining up for. (I want one of these!!! But then again, if the budget doesn’t permit, I’ll just change the handles on some used Chanel paperbags hahaha– oye that’s called “being resourceful”!!)

And then you have these “newer” brands like Treesje, by Laura Darrah and Sheila Nazarian (their very first bag collection came out 4 years ago). I am liking this bag because yes, it is purple *given!*, but also because this is a nice satchel shape. It’s not the conventional east-west shaped satchel, and it has that lovely “tuck” detail in the middle. Patent leather may be quite hard to maintain, but in a darker color (especially in this amethyst jewel- tone color), it could conceivably be low maintenance as long as you don’t keep the bag in direct contact with sunlight all the time. Priced at US$560 at neimanmarcus.com

I haven’t really appreciated Tod’s bags as much as I once appreciated their driving loafers, but this bag made me take a good look at the brand once again. Tod’s Pashmy totepriced at US$1125 at neimanmarcus.com seems like a good, light, and extremely functional bag. I love the pockets– I am a mom and these pockets are lifesavers especially when I’m out with the kids. Think of the things you can stuff in those external pockets– keys, phone… no need to keep rummaging through your abyss of a bag anymore πŸ™‚ Why make life complicated when there are ways to make life easier πŸ˜€

More love everyone’s way with this Marc Jacobs tote. I don’t know what to think of it. I mean, it’s really cute in some way, but it’s such a “perky” bag that I doubt I’d be willing to carry it πŸ™‚ It’s too sweet and cutesy patootsy hehe. This bag is not for those who spend their days frowning or yelling at people hehe (aka those working in a highly stressful environment or those who just have corks up their you-know-where hehehe… *umm parental guidance please! Obscene!!*). You’d be doing the bag injustice hehehe *kidding*. But then again, this could very well be the answer to those dready down-in-the-doldrums days! Priced at US$1895, this better be a LOVING bag, right? πŸ™‚

Dolce & Gabbana Washed Leather Dome. There’s something about this bag that draws me to it. Perhaps it’s the look of the washed leather. Bottom line is, this is a classic style, and the fact that it also has a detachable shoulder strap, earns the bag more brownie points as a functional arm candy. Priced at US$2125 at Neiman Marcus.

Call me gaudy or whatever but I love this Vivienne Westwood Plaid bowling bag. I was no Vivienne Westwood bag fan, after seeing tons of knockoffs being sold at Baguio Ukay Ukay (flea markets), but this bag is different. It’s not just an ordinary plaid bag, it has that nice little foldover detail in front πŸ™‚ *Yes, 2009 is all about “justifying” why you like what, and why you spent money on what haha*. Priced at Eur 396.38 (Php 25K+-) at net-a-porter.com

Alrighty, now that I’ve spent a considerable amount of time online (I haven’t done this in a few days now, but even if I don’t go online, I still don’t sleep early. You see, I’ve been hooked on this show called Invasion *it’s driving me nuts because it’s really a dumb show but then I STILL find myself watching it!!*), it’s time to park my bag words here since I also got me a new book to read (I know, miracle, right? I haven’t opened a book in years! Which only explains why my vocabulary and grammar never improved)

Later baghags! If you feel the need to share your new bag for 2009, share away! A photo would do– tresormakati@gmail.com

HAPPY MONDAY you all πŸ™‚


P.S. Hello to my reader, Patrick! It was really nice to meet you in the flesh πŸ™‚ don’t be so starstruck– I ain’t no celebrity (remember, I am just a hardworking *choke* security guard hehe) πŸ˜€ I really had so much fun chatting with you. Hope to see you again for more chitchat!! xx

One thought on “2009’s First Bag Review!

  1. OMG! Thank you very much for the mention. I’m speechless right now. I’m crying right now…i’m so flattered! It’s so nice meeting and talking to you:) I will talk to you again;) Thanks again and god bless to you and your family!

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