May the year 2009 bring us :

Better bags
New bags
More moolah for new bags
Even better Food
Great Company
New Friends

P.S. Spent the New Year’s Eve countdown in Ayala Avenue. The fireworks display wasn’t great though (but my kids enjoyed it, which is ultimately the most important thing for me– it’s because this was the first year I allowed them to stay up this late to watch the fireworks display :D). Tsk, but the lackluster fireworks display in Makati made me wish I went to Taguig (Fort Bonifacio) instead (where they had a super fantastic one, from what I have heard), but we were so short on time that if we had driven to Taguig, we’d probably end up ringing in the New Year in the car πŸ˜€ It was a great evening though, and I hope you had a memorable one too πŸ™‚

Tomorrow is the time to list 2009 New Year’s resolutions, and is also time to revisit last year’s resolutions (to see if I was good hahaha)… Nite you all!!

By the way, a quick announcement-ROCKWELL POWER PLANT MALL will be having a SALE SALE SALE from January 2- 4. This is the mall’s version of the Boxing Day sale πŸ™‚ *I am sooo lining up to buy my kids’ clothes!*


4 thoughts on “HAPPY NEW YEAR, BAGHAGS!!

  1. Hello! I’m Patrick (16 yrs. old) and I’m the teenager na na-meet mo and nakausap while my tita is buying necklaces at Accessory Lab this Jan. 3, 2009 (Saturday) nung gabi. Shocks…until now I’m starstruck pa rin. You are the sweetest person na nakilala ko…you deserve every good blessing given by God to you. God bless, take care and have a fabulous 2009! I HOPE U COULD REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE:)

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