Social Call: Dinner at Chito’s Place

I have been so remiss with gift giving and delivering these weeks, but when it came to attending a wonderful pre- Christmas dinner (avec climbing the social mountain on the side hehehe), I was ready to drop everything and go.

Especially if it is an invite from architect Chito Antonio. Chito has done many homes of famous people and it is my dream that someday, I can have my home fixed up like his. *Dream dream dream… my house right now *if I can even call it “my” house coz it ain’t really mine hahaha* is SO messy– it’s like a warehouse. a factory. boxes here, there, everywhere! Ugh I’m so frustrated– because it looks as if we are “moving” houses– and we’re NOT! hahahhaa*

Such a treat to know Chito. I’ve been running into him these past few years, but we have never really gotten to talking until we sat next to each other over dinner celebrating a mutual friend’s birthday. Before I knew it, I was invited to be one of his dinner guests at his beautiful home, along with his other girlfriends πŸ™‚

Chito made dinner. He had a turkey in the oven, as well as his legendary apple pie (which I’ve tasted last year at another party– it was fantastic!)

My jaw dropped when Chito showed me his Baccarat crystal glasses and Hermes glass wares. They were kept in his cupboards– must be 6 or 7 cabinets full of them!! The crystal glasses were all lined up (not a glass was “out of line”) when you open the cupboard– they were like glass armies, waiting to be sent out to duty!

The very famous Jessie Mendez (who has done the makeup of over a thousand brides!) was there as well. We obviously talked about makeup (and I know zilch about makeup despite having been present at a lot of photoshoots for Metro Weddings in the past! *so I’m real dumb when it comes to makeup (cough, and other things hehe)*). Anyway, Jessie has done the “bridal” makeup of a few of Chito’s dinner guests in the past. This man has really carved out a name for himself in the industry. I was only too happy to sit next to him πŸ™‚

Dinner was served in this room. I was so in love with this room. One wall of this “square” shaped room had a mirrored wall. It was not your typical mirrored wall too. It just looked so French! And look at the chandelier!! I hope I can buy a crystal chandelier that beautiful one day. My most recent trip to Paris originally included plans to bring home a chandelier as my own personal “loot”, but to have something that grand (which I have NO idea where I’ll put in the first place) shipped to Manila was going to cost me more than the chandelier itself. Tsk.

One last look at the living room before we headed into the dining room.

I was embarrassed to have taken so much food, but oye it’s turkey. And the potatoes were fantastic. The chestnut stuffing was certainly unique and worth having seconds of!!

Chito knew of my fondness for his apple pie, so he gave me first dibs πŸ™‚ I couldn’t be happier πŸ˜€ This pie could very well end my stressful week!!

A drizzle (ok more than a drizzle) of rhum sauce over this warm apple pie really sealed the deal for me.

This dinner was one of the most unforgettable ones I’ve had this year πŸ™‚

Thank you so much Chito and the “Chito girls” πŸ˜€


One thought on “Social Call: Dinner at Chito’s Place

  1. Hi! I’m a big fan of your blog. A cut above the rest… perhaps a mile above the rest! Thanks for elevating style in this space. My in-laws home is the first house Chito Antonio designed way back in early 70’s…. still stylist today… Timeless! I’m a big fan of his sense of style as well. Keep on blogging!Ann CasimiroNY

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