Shameless Plug + TRESORIE Cash Break Sale on December 12 !

Dear everyone,

I’m actually ashamed to plug today, but I’ll do it anyway (and humbly accept your egg and tomato pelting hehe) because I’ve been far too busy, stressed, and everything else related to our new store to update Tresormakati site and update baghags on what’s there via SMS. So sorry I’ve been remiss! 😦

Without further ado, the newest bag update from TRESORMAKATI.COM:

Prada Light Pink (Copper) Pebbled Leather Tote *super nice*

As always, sells is guaranteed authentic, so please buy with confidence 🙂 Please don’t hesitate to contact Tresormakati at (+63916) 758-0857 or for more details on these bags.

And lastly, we WILL have a ONE DAY Christmas cashbreak sale at TRESORIE
From 12 noon- 8pm


P.S. Hello to WC whom I finally met at Figaro, Powerplant Mall tonight 🙂 Nice to finally meet you!

P.P.S. Hugs to my dear friend ChrisL who’s been working sooooooo hard lately. You and I + food= soon, ok? 🙂

5 thoughts on “Shameless Plug + TRESORIE Cash Break Sale on December 12 !

  1. Hi Mrs. T! I was wondering if you've seen Vernilover's (of TPF)bag collection..(not to mention the stunning collection of jewelries & watches)? If not, I think you'll faint..hehehehe..I almost did but now I'm dying of enviousness..Why can't all people be as rich as her?!*sigh*

  2. hi mrs. t…just wanna ask you something. it’s a bit silly to be asking this *lol* but i just need to ask you you this. bought an LV bag in HK and sadly they didn’t give me a box. i heard you’re suppose to ask for it if you want it to come with a box. anyway, is it possible for me to ask a box at LV greenbelt by simply showing my receipt since i still have no plans of going back to HK. i really like to have a box for future purposes in case i intend to resell it. sorry for such a silly concern. =D much thanks and God bless.

  3. Mrs. T! I had like 3 brief encounters with you earlier at Rustan’s at the kid’s area. I was too shy to say hi though! Maybe I’ll muster up some courage next time 😀

  4. Good evening Mrs. T! I would like to interview you for our thesis on blogging. I can’t seem to find any contact information here on your blog so I’ll just put a comment here instead. If you could give me your email, I can send you our letter of request along with the guide questions.Hope to hear from you soon!Thanks!- Roxi

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