Thebaghag is sick in San Francisco :(

It’s official. I am out with a cold and a terrible sore throat. I thought it was an allergy but nope, I woke up this morning and my throat was SORE 😦 This is so sad, since I’ve been hoping to enjoy good food (meaning, TASTE good food) and with my nose and throat acting up this way, I might not be able to “enjoy” food to the fullest. By the way, I’m growing rounder and rounder by the minute. My DM has been pulling me to eat, eat, eat to kill our jetlag and well, my belly’s all rounded already. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone were to ask if I was pregnant *hahaha sad!!*

Anyway, went downtown yesterday (that’s where I caught my cold). I didn’t see any interesting bags except this Marni balloon bag with that nice lacquered handle. I couldn’t fathom paying over US$2,000 for it though, but it’s been bugging me since this morning– a sign that I really want it. I remember sometime ago that I had taken a liking to another lacquered- handle bag, a Lanvin, which went for US$3,000 at Barneys. I hesitated to buy the bag because well, it was over US$3,000! The bag was sold when it went on sale, I believe. My friend said it was no longer there when I had asked her to check it out for me.

So now the Marni bag haunts me. *Sob*. Someone out there please put me out of my misery and buy that bag so that I may no longer lust for it!!!

At Bloomingdales, there was a nice orange Fendi Spy. The color reminded me of my orange crayon when I was in Nursery school. Nice memory too πŸ™‚ But one thing I find wrong with the Spy bag is that piece of a “secret” compartment located on the opening flap of the bag. It breaks after awhile and you will have to take it to Fendi to have that whole thing replaced. It has happened to the Spy bags of my friends. That wouldn’t make me buy that bag. So it’s nice to see it on the shelf, just not on my shoulders hahaha.

I also popped over Hermes, and actually saw a 30cm birkin in black togo on the shelf display (a rare ocassion!). But holy smokes, the price on that one now is incredible. I still remember that day when a 30cm birkin only cost US$4,800. Today, that baby costs US$9,000!! If I had known that prices of birkins would go up this high back then, I would’ve already hoarded. But then haha, if I did, I’d already be out on the streets– me and my bags hahaha.

Anyway, when I called in to ask again about the 30cm birkin this morning, it was GONE!! See peeps, baghags out there will still pay top $ for a good bag! But with every expensive bag bought, there will be plenty more affordable ones being sold.

Macy’s has a big table overflowing with Dooney and Bourke bags on sale πŸ˜‰ And no one’s buying. I mean NO ONE.*BagPimp ML, look closely hehehe* I espy… a heart D&B (hahaa not to be mistaken with D&G) To be honest with you all, about a decade ago *crap, I’m THAT old now*, I used to think Dooney and Bourke bags were nice– because they looked very sturdy and didn’t fall prey to monogramania. But now? Yeck. Their bags look like someone puked gaudy monograms all over it– I’m sooo disliking them. What a waste of a good brand. *Sorry for those offended hehe… This baghag is just biatchy, especially with the cold and sore throat hehehe*

If I had that amount of money to spend for a bag, I’d rather go with Nine West, or some logo- free bag. I mean, I confess I love logos too, but not hearts on the bag!! It’s just so gaudy. I mean, maybe a 7 year old can get away with one, but imagine a 30 year old with it. It’s soooo “wannabe young”. Ok, wait I take that back. I always wanna have something that makes me look “young” but I don’t want to be teenybopper… *barf.. A 30 year old teenybopper… haha*

Anyway, tonight I’m to have a nice dinner with our friend who’s in town from Paris, and we’re doing seafood!! I really hope I can get rid of this stupid cold/ sore throat before the day is over! It’s really the worst thing to have when you are about to have good food 😦

I better head off to Safeway to get VitaminC and echinacea (although I think echinacea is too late!!)


P.S. Some questions from my comments, answered πŸ™‚

1. Someone sent me a message asking about birkins at Hermes. Historically, I have never really been able to call a Hermes boutique and end up with a birkin. You won’t be offered a birkin if you don’t have an existing relationship with their sales associates– even if you drop names of your friends who happen to be their clients (that doesn’t really help). Now if you regularly buy Hermes goodies (no, not just scarves as that birkin book suggested hahaha… that formula may have worked for the author, but it sure doesn’t work for everybody), your sales associate might just offer you one– if there is one available πŸ™‚ Although in Hermes Paris, you can just walk in and ask for a birkin! If they have one, they’ll show it to you. It’s easier to get a birkin in Paris, I think. So try your luck there instead πŸ™‚ Hope that helps!!

2. Regarding pronunciations, I’m no expert with that *I was not an English major.. and some of those words are in Italian haha*, so I think best to ask more people around for the correct pronunciation of those words πŸ™‚

7 thoughts on “Thebaghag is sick in San Francisco :(

  1. OMG! Mrs. T! THAT is the metallic Marni balloon bag that I was telling you about…! Don’t you love the hardware???? Darn! The fact that you couldn’t fathom anyone forking such an amount for the bag makes me re-think… and totally guilty… huhuhu… what to do???

  2. hi mrs. T!would you know the chanel prices of a mini caviar flap and a medium caviar?and does the caviar leather scratch easily compared to lambskin?thank you.M

  3. hi mrs T, would like to get your opinion on YSL bags. I know it is not big here in manila, but surfing the net, i kind of like their designs together with balenciaga? would you recommend a design for mommys with tween kid like me? thanks. MOMMY

  4. Mrs. T… just when i thought i would throw caution to the wind and issue a check for the Marni metallic balloon bag, here comes another bag that took my breath away: the Balenciaga Bag Lune in leather! It’s BIG and comes in black and rosy red…Help! What should I do???? I prefer a structured bag over a slouchy one because I hate the bottom that gives when I have all my stuff inside… It was the hardware of the Marni bag that really caught my eye, plus the size!Will you help me, please????Glad to know you’re feeling better. ..Take care!

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