Thebaghag’s afternoon Drama + Socialclimbing again

We interrupt the Tokyo blog for this post!

Thebaghag, who’s been quietly going her merry way, (truth: no one’s been inviting her to parties hahaha) decided to attend an event last night πŸ˜€ But wait, let me share the afternoon- long drama first!

Sometime after meeting with old colleague and friend JoanS about a possible project, I felt something tugging at my chest. No, no one was copping a feel (and no one would want to… hello, runway with some bumps… hahaha *ok erase that malicious thought*). It was actually the feeling that a vein got pulled somewhere inside my body– to the right of my chest. Some kind of muscle spasm perhaps? And then the hypochondriac in me went into overdrive.

I was having a heart attack! (at least I thought to myself). Good thing our meeting was done. I rushed home to lie down in bed. For a few good hours. Hoping that “feeling” would go away naturally. It didn’t. I had obligations today– specifically to a friend in Naga (had to send something to her but oh dear, I wasn’t able to.. Sorry MT!! This afternoon I’ll get it done).

Slowly I got out of bed, called DH. Told him how I was feeling. Then I thought to myself again, if I was indeed having a heart attack, I’d be dead by now. *Hehe I said this to myself and I was still laughing out loud tsk!* (Goes to show I rarely ever take my health that seriously although I really ought to now).

DH came home from work shortly after. Ended up calling the cardiologist. So I told the good doctor what I felt. Tried as hard as I could to describe the “pain” sensation to him in detail. Then he asked me “did you do any stretching today?”

Umm… yes, I actually did. You see hags, I haven’t done yoga in what, 2 months almost? So today I decided to do some of the yoga positions. A-Ha. I think I must’ve pulled a muscle in the process. So the doctor said to just monitor those pain sensations in hopes that tomorrow it will subside or be completely gone.

So there. Yes, thebaghag is still alive and kicking. *but oye, not biatching lately… I’m still kinda in pain, remember?*

*Big Grin*

Anyway, after having discussed everything with my MIL’s cardiologist, I decided to go to the Adora party. Yes! I actually got an invite! (Don’t know why they’d invite a non-entity like me, but oh well, I can’t refuse free dinners and you all know that… I can’t be a professional freeloader if I don’t go to free dinners!! Hahahaha pathetic)I don’t really need to go “party” (ahem, socialclimb) because of what I was physically feeling, but boy, I haven’t been to Greenbelt 5 in ages (I missed the sale of Myth and Religioso tsk tsk bad bad). So this was an opportunity to go and see what I’ve been missing (coz I’ve been goooood πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ :D) Plus, I wanted to meet the foreign press who were guests of honor! Hahaha (socialclimbing!!)

*Talk about Priorities! Tsk bad!!!*

Anyway, I arrived at 7:30pm sharp (thebaghag’s an overly eager beaver) to find only a handful of people milling about, sipping cocktails and talking to Adora’s main man EmanP. I felt like the youngest person in the bunch, apart from EmanP, whom I’m sure, is younger than I.

Ladies of leisure (LOLs) in their nice designer frocks intimidated me. I was wearing jeans– I decided not to change outfits anymore from my early afternoon meeting. Big mistake. I looked so displaced. I could very well be the guest wearing jeans at some posh wedding. Tsk. I stuck out like a sore thumb. Just when I was about to do an about-face and walk out of Adora (yes, I felt so uncomfy around LOLs because I’m just a wannabe and I obviously don’t belong!! Hehehe), I saw a familiar face!!

Schu and Myth’s RubyG (who wore a gorgeous pair of Jil Sander shoes!!!)
RubyG is someone I have grown to admire. She works damn hard and is especially disciplined when it comes to her health and physical being. She is a powerlifter! Thanks to that newspaper article about her, many now know about it. She was approached countless times throughout the night, as people were simply amazed at what she does during her “down” time! I wish I have her work ethic and positive outlook on working out and keeping fit. Alas, my yoga stint lasted all of one month and it was never renewed. I seem to have a knack for coming up with useless excuses to avoid yoga *Muwahahaha… see now what happened to me as a result… pains in my chest!!*

My seatmates for the “intimate” dinner (for 70 peeps– I was actually so honored to be there.. and I still don’t understand why they invited me… I think they must’ve made a huge mistake muwahahaha) on the 3rd floor:
The ever efficient Erica of Adora
Interior designer AntonM, bag genius Bea Valdes, and her marketing genius of a sister, MargaV (the sisters are so pretty! And Marga’s necklace is *sigh* beautiful!!)

Boy, was I in good company or what! πŸ™‚ Talk about social climbing to the nines eh? πŸ™‚ *beams*

And here are the bags of the night:

BeaV’s red bag… so beautifully made.
A silver beaded clutch which looks sooo cute
And I espied an Hermes birkin in 30cm gris tortourelle togo on the floor! *Gasp… germies!!!*

There are some pretty nice minaudieres at Adora as well. You hags should go check them out! I actually liked 2 of them… Uh Oh… There goes my purchase ban!! *rolls eyes*

Dinner was great– the angus beef was excellent, and we all thoroughly enjoyed the dessert. I was actually too embarrassed to take food shots (I know! Me! Embarrassed! Tsk tsk).

After all the wine, chit chat, table hopping to say hi’s and hello’s (actually, that was not what I did ‘coz I didn’t really know anyone there! Hahaha I’m apparently not “Jackie” enough to know everyone hahaha Oh well.. pffft), we had to say goodbye since it was getting late and this baghag had to go home to nurse the chest pains. *I still have it!!*

I was grateful enough to have met the peeps from Vogue Nippon, Vogue Italia, IHT, and FT. Too bad I didn’t whip out my camera tonight to take photos with them– again I was just too embarrassed (this is really behavior unbecoming of the socialclimbing baghag!!!)

In the end, I was still a happy baghag because I took home some nice loot– a spiny bonsai cactus from Fiori di M, and 2 croc- embossed pleather notebooks from Adora πŸ™‚
Tomorrow, my Tokyo post resumes. Ugh. I still have really BAD internet connection at home. I just realized that it may actually be because of the modem, and not anything else! *Shrugs.. what do I know about anything anyway! :D*

Sorry to have interrupted the Tokyo posts πŸ™‚ Had to share my silly “drama” as it unfolded πŸ˜€ (Mrs.T= attention seeker.. don’t worry, you don’t need to sympathize with me hahaha)


7 thoughts on “Thebaghag’s afternoon Drama + Socialclimbing again

  1. Hi! I’ve been a long-time lurker and fan. I had to come out because this post is familiar to me too.This is funny! I experienced the same thing early this Spring and spent over 8 hours at the ER of a local hospital waiting to be told that I had pulled a muscle in my chest. I posted about it on my knitting blog – – Sorry for the shameless plug…Since I posted about it I have been told by several people that this is actually becoming more and more common among women who don’t get as much exercise as they should. I guess enough of the sedentary life.

  2. hi mrs T! Sorry to hear about your chest discomfort…. Have you tried Pilates? I prefer this over yoga (since I always feel “tight” after a yoga class). My pilates instructor is Andrea, who has a studio in San Lorenzo. You might want to give her a try.

  3. im green with envy! i adore adora (teehee) and it must’ve been an excellent dinner! my friend who works there gave me a tour and i loved it. the prices are a little over the top though, but it just makes me feel so happy, going around the store and seeing all things beautiful. ;)bea v is so pretty, and so is her sis marga. i agree with you and rhiannaM, the necklace is to die for!

  4. theknittymommy: yeah, I couldnt believe I pulled a muscle too. I had to call a cardio for that haha. It’s pretty pathetic, come to think of it! I actually really thought i had a heart attack at first!Rhianna: Marga’s necklace is really gorgeous up close! And made by sister, BeaV πŸ™‚ Mrs.C: haha lucky is the right word. I had a fantastic meal πŸ™‚ Cesdu: Thanks for offering re: Pilates! I wish I had the time right now or I actually would’ve gone back to Yoga! *Sigh*mr.shopaholic: Nothing beats “chic” loot πŸ™‚ I was only too happy to receive mine and thank my gracious host πŸ™‚

  5. T and Knittymommy, it happened to me a couple of months ago. i ended up in the ER. had an ecg and all. but found nothing. pulled muscle too. but i’m undergoing a more thorough heart check now. i’m either a hypochondriac or just a responsible parent.

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