Enviro Bags

I was asked what I thought about the proliferation of enviro bags these days. I for one, love these foldable/ reusable bags. I have somehow amassed a little collection of them for myself *hehe shame shame*.
These are actually my faves among all those I’ve seen:

Baggu— I love it coz it’s actually a large bag that you can just carry on your shoulder. It’s a featherweight foldable bag, one that also happens to be durable. They come in a plethora of colors too. I love my lavender and sky colored Baggus. This fuchsia one is gorgeous too! You can now order them in Manila at shopspot.multiply.com

I also have this Japanese- made crutto foldable tote. I have yet to use mine πŸ™‚
It folds up and actually has a little lobster claw where you can hook it to your bag. It looks more like a regular tote bag than its “sleeveless” foldable counterparts. The one thing I don’t like about it though, is that folding it back to its compact size is an exact science. It’s not easy to get it to fold back to its original small state. πŸ˜€ *That and I’m just a bimbo so I don’t really know how to get it “right” muwahaha.. time to practice!* Available at toutlesac.multiply.com

Then there’s Envirosax which is if I’m not mistaken, available at Fully Booked. I got one as a gift and I love using it when the occasion calls for it. It’s the “funkier” version of the Baggu πŸ™‚

And then there’s another type of foldable shopper, which is super cute because it has all these cool designs. It’s also one of those “sleeveless” foldable totes. I especially love the small version. I know it’s tiny but it’s too cute. It even has a small zippered pocket! I use the mini version to carry my water bottles or canned juices πŸ˜€ (ahem, not environmentally friendly! hehe tsk)

Now before I sign off, here are some answers to your questions:

1. Watercolor Speedy 35 at Louis Vuitton Gbelt 4 is somewhere between Php 64,500 to Php 65,500. I’m not exactly sure how much but that’s the ballpark figure that I remember.

2. Goyard croisiere neutral color? I was actually going to suggest the Black with tan handles. It’s very classy yet there’s “color” in the bag. It’s not just a “black” bag. If you still insist on something with more color, then I’d definitely go for the white one. It’s very easy to maintain. πŸ™‚

3. KO: Thanks for trying to call me, stop already πŸ™‚ The fact I know that you even remembered my birthday, makes it a great “gift” already πŸ™‚

4. Lengleng: Watercolor Speedy with vachetta handles actually comes in size 30cm too, but its not readily available in all countries. Like the Philippines, we only got the 35cms. I believe Japan has the 30cm.

5. ANONYMOUS (can you please leave a nickname next time pls): Little Miss Marc Mega tote was a gift πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Goyard St Louis in HK comes out to between Php 40- 44k. Initials for painting are US$200 + tax (although I don’t remember the price in HK). Waiting period if you have it done in HK should be between 6- 8 months.

6. ANONYMOUS: Lagoon leather with denim, yes big chance it will stain the leather. So make sure you don’t rub the bag against your jeans.

7. Croisiere vs Jeanne vs Jersey: I’d go for the classic croisiere.

8. Thanks Candifier πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Your store anniversary’s coming up too! Exciting!!

9. Daph: I loooove your pressie, thank you soooo much!!

P.S. A HUGE thank you to KerwinG of SALA Makati (arguably the best restaurant in Manila). I’m hooked on their grilled tuna and beef carpaccio, and their lavender panna cotta. Anyway, I had made a reservation for a little birthday celebration with a good friend of mine (hehehe we had a double date haha) and apparently there was a little mixup. As a result of my brattiness *muwahaha yes, I am bratty… if you don’t already know it haha*, Kerwin gifted me with a bottle of Veuve Cliquot. Now THAT’s customer service. I was the one too embarrassed to accept it in the end (had to say thank you profusely!!) *muwahaha… although the freeloader in me shone through and I happily drank the bubbly. Thank you so much again to SALA and the great folks who run the resto (shoutout to: Kerwin). For reservations at Sala, call (632) 750-1555. And make sure you try the ravioli, carpaccio, tuna steak, and the panna cotta. Or you can always go for their degustation if you love wine with your food πŸ™‚ *sigh.. I need to go back to yoga… so I can go back and eat more food there hahaha… tsk* πŸ˜€


8 thoughts on “Enviro Bags

  1. hi!I have a question re: LV neo cabby MM. I’m planning to buy one but the strap is short to use as a messenger bag. any thoughts of longer strap?thanks=)

  2. hi Mrs T ! i was wondering if u could give us an email address for us to ask u questions privately perhaps? Thank you!! love ya…

  3. hi mrs. t, i’m an avid reader of your 2 blogsites. i enjoy them very much. btw, i’m going to buy my very first LV this year. i want to know which one is the best buy, roomy enough to fit my stuff but not too large, don’t want a speedy though since it’s too common. i’m more inclined towards the mini lin or damier. any reco? thanks πŸ™‚ CBG

  4. hi! thanks for suggesting croisiere…do you have an idea on how much it costs in HK? would it be cheaper to buy in HK than to buy a pre-owned one from tresorie?

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