Haberday TheBaghag Blog :)


Thank you all SO much for making these 2 years of blogging worth every post. I may be real tired oftentimes, but just thinking about putting a smile on one or two readers’ faces gets me worked up enough to write about something already.

So for one last time on this post, I just want to thank you all so much for making thebaghag blog something I look forward to, a respite of some sort from the daily grind πŸ™‚

P.S. Meanwhile yours truly, thebaghag wannabe, turns a year older tomorrow. *SOB* haha. Boy have I got birthday blues or what!!! πŸ˜€


10 thoughts on “Haberday TheBaghag Blog :)

  1. Happy bday Mrs T. I’ve discovered your site only last month (talk aboutr being a late baghag bloomer). Even though I’ve been a LV admirer for sometime, it’s only going to be soon that I’ll become a proud owner of one. Would like to get your opinion one what type of LV bag should I purchase should I plan to use it for casual everyday use. (beside from speedy). Thanks in advance. Do keep on blogging. Mommy

  2. happy birthday and happy anniversary! I rarely comment on blogs but i just want to let you know that i enjoy the way you write.keep it up.I hope to someday browse through your shop and buy something for myself.

  3. Happy Anniversary to thebaghag blog!! keep up the great job! my life is never the same because of this blog =)Happy Hirthday to the One & Only Mrs. Jackie T!!!

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