The Dangers of Unregulated Philippine food coloring :D

*Giggles* This is a totally unrelated- to- bags post. It’s more like a mommy post πŸ™‚

There are these times when moms feel real down, especially when their children begin schooling (*sob* they grow up so fast!). Perfect example, moi. I’ve been feeling rather down in dumps in the last few days. Call it separation anxiety. I’m not one to volunteer myself when it comes to nominating the best mom out there. I’m not exactly the most hands- on mom so I know I don’t deserve a “best” mom of the year award. So this storyt I’m writing now is something that actually perked me up, after a looooong day at school, sending kids off and fetching them afterwards (add a bit of separation anxiety there and you’ve got one big package of stress and depression!).

Tonight, DH and I decided to stay in. I was supposed to go to a dinner with some old school friends and pass by my friend Chris’ place for her birthday dinner, but I was just too drained– emotionally and physically, to get my butt off the couch and get changed to look decent.

Sooo we stayed in. Played Wii with the kids. My elder child sat on the chair by the foot of our bed, while my younger toddler stayed with DH on the bed. Some minutes into playing the wii with our older DK, younger DK decides to just quit the game and hang with Daddy, and they read Dr. Seuss.

A few minutes later, DH sees these green flecks of what-have-you on the bed and picks it up with his fingers. He glares at DK, upset for having messed with the Play Doh and spreading a bit of it on the bed cover.

DH proceeds to pick up the flecks of green sticky matter and throws it into the trash can. He went to the bathroom to wash his hands when he accidentally rubbed his nose with the “play doh” matter.

And then, I heard him “scream” in the bathroom. “EEEEEEEW”. I wondered what the commotion was. I was thinking, hoo sh*t, rat infestation in the bathroom? Cockroaches?? *afraid*

I rushed to the bathroom and DH goes, “Can you check the bootie of your kid please. I think this green “thing” isn’t play-doh! It DOES NOT smell like Play Doh!!”

I laughed my butt off. I rushed over to my younger DK’s side, checked out the small green stain on our bed cover.

It smelled BAD. Then I remembered. My DK had the family’s perennial fave: Putong Ube puto for breakfast.


PANDAN… The green puto πŸ™‚ *Putong Pandan*

Muwahahhahhaa….. I need not say what that green “flecks” are… hahaha…. *puke, eewww, grooooosss*, the rest of course, is history πŸ™‚ *Sorry If I ruined someone’s appetite hehehe*

And oh, if you must know, DH hasn’t cleaned dirty nappies in a looong time, so this was his rude awakening πŸ™‚ *Muwahahahaha Daddy duties!!!!*

And with that, I’d like to greet all the Dads out there a “HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY” πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Hope your day won’t be smeared with *cough* kiddie by-products of unregulated Philippine food coloring *Muwahahaha*

P.S. Thanks to DH for the hilarious title of this post πŸ˜€ (In fairness, I’m sure the food coloring used is safe even if we don’t have some kinduvan FDA. No matter, I looooove Putong Ube, and I especially love the queso flavored puto!)

Anyway, I guess that DH has just had his dose of the “Think Green” Campaign, although this was not exactly what he had in mind when he said we should “Think Green”. Hahahaha πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

(Putong Ube images taken from If you haven’t tried Putong Ube, oh-mah-gawd, you MUST try!!! *drools*)


5 thoughts on “The Dangers of Unregulated Philippine food coloring :D

  1. hi,this is totally unrelated to your recent post, and i don’t know if you’ve already discussed this before but i’d really like to ask for your advice on how to store my bags so that they don’t get destroyed if they’re not used for a while. i was so disappointed when i was going through my mom’s bags – she has so many nice designer bags but the leather or the lining would peel- i suppose from the humidity? In fact i’ve decided that i’d stop buying the monogram canvass LV’s for now because they seem to just get dark so fast, so they tend to look so old- and i really take care of them ha! i noticed that my sister’s bags (she lives in the US, east coast) stay in better condition with half the effort!….hope you can help me out! i do keep them all in their boxes though. is that enough? oh but I also just want to comment that my mom’s Christian Dior bag – the one Princess Di had, is still in perfect condition and it’s over 10 years old so i guess their bags are really worth it! thanks!!!

  2. Hi! This question is off subject but i would like to know if the color red 2.55 classic flap bag is always available or the color red is just a seasonal color? Thanks

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