A Brief Update

Dear Baghags,

I am once again humbled by the outpour of support from you all for my blog. I felt the need to address that comment earlier because somehow it really upset me because while I know this blog is just a personal outlet for my emotions and bag addiction, I also felt that everyone reading this blog has become a part of me, so yes, I felt violated (hahaha my human rights!!!). You are all right– it IS my blog, and no one should deny me that so-called privilege of posting my photo avec le coeur (sorry I’m totally absorbing Paris haha). But the photo with the heart thing is one thing you have to give to me. Whether you already know what I look like or not is immaterial. Bottom line, I just don’t feel confident enough to “officially” put a face to this blog… not yet (not until I get my face overhauled hahaha) Soooo, thank you all for understanding why I don’t “reveal” my face– again, it is a face only a mother can love (even my DM criticizes me for my acne farm and believe me, you hags would NOT wanna see exploding pus here hahahahaha… Fabio pales in comparison… NOT pretty hahahaha)

Anyway, I will not deny the rest of the baghags the photos of places I was lucky enough to see– I promise you all those and more in a few days. I have only a few minutes to use the internet before I head off again. By the way, I am already in Roma πŸ˜‰

Lastly, a few questions answered:

1. Yes, I went to L’Eclarieur! I even tried on the Balenciaga floral skirt which was just beautiful if it weren’t for the length (and the darned price!! heart attack!!) πŸ˜€ I would’ve bought it (but then the better part of me said, JUST GET A BAG, darnedit! *muwahahaha*)

2. I did go to Saint Honore πŸ™‚ Couldn’t have left Paris without visiting the Motherships– Hermes and Goyard even (too bad Ms.AO that I was no longer able to get you that bag since I didn’t go back there a 2nd time anymore *sniff*). And yes, my DSIL and I scored at Hermes *woooohooooo*. More on that in due time πŸ˜‰ *Revealing the loot right away makes me feel soooo guilty haha… I think you all know that by now, non?* But no worries, it wasn’t like the Tokyo reveal haha.

3. To DaphOP: I went to JAR— but guess what, he went on his vacance! *Pfffft*. However, I did take exterior shots of his “shop”. He only has ONE vitrine! How elusive is that? πŸ˜€ *P.S. vitrine was empty too, tsk.*

And here’s something SUPER interesting for you all *especially for me haha*– I ran into Dita Von Teese!!!! Literally ran into her! We were at Le Madeleine by Laduree when I turned around and almost ran into this very svelte and beautiful brunette with porcelain skin. Then she turned toward to her car and that was when I realized who she was! It was the mole that gave her away πŸ™‚ I was like a deer staring at headlights– stopped dead in my tracks and was too paralyzed to ask her back for a photo. I nearly screamed at my clueless DB and said, “Oh my God, that’s Dita VonTeese!!” I managed a shot of her going into her chauffeured Mercedes ;). How pathetic was that for a socialclimbing baghag wannabe? πŸ˜€ Too chickencrap to ask for a photo (ahem, ok am sorta glad I don’t have a photo with her *welll… not really.. but ok let me just use this as an excuse haha* or it’ll be harsh reality for me– to be pitted against someone so beautiful and clearly see that I just look like a pathetic handmaiden who hasn’t had a decent shower in ages hahaha… gross)

Much love from Rome,

P.S. The website of TresorMakati.com is currently down as the hosting services are in the process of getting transferred. It will be back up soon!

4 thoughts on “A Brief Update

  1. oh my, mrs. t, lucky lucky you! just for the record, i love reading your blog. don’t mind whatever negative comments or criticism others leave here. do you know that me and my sister in law always talk about your blog? we soo love how you share your social life, your travels, and (as you put it) “outpour of emotions and bag addiction”. don’t let anyone put you down, a’right? more europe updates please! =)

  2. hi mrs. T,I have been an avid reader of your blog and I made a lot of research just to find out the mysterious face behind that “heart”. I dont think that you should be affected with that criticism becoz you have a pretty damn face. Maybe it is time to spare your readers and post your photos without the “magic heart”. We are all created unique and in the image of Him that makes us more beautiful than the other creatures.Cheer up!Lykz

  3. Dita has that effect in person, in a word, stunning! I met her once and had to literally, close my eyes, just to get a slightly witty and intelligent question out. She is a very down to earth person.Have a great day! E.Z.

  4. strange that you mentioned dita von teese. i run into her too just a few weeks ago in vegas (march 7) I’m still reveling on it for it’s been my only brush with celebrity for a while now ( hehe, don’t get out much lately) anyway, i was such a big dork i couldn’t stop staring at her. she was just so gorgeous and radiant.

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