TRAVELOG: Bag Hag and Le Marais

Day Two of Paris was free for us to roam around. My friends and former colleagues were suggesting that I take a trip to Le Marais for shopping. That’s exactly what we did. We took a quick city tour of Paris before we drove across the Seine to the Rive Droite, where Le Marais is.

I love buildings like these…
Darn, proof that my French survived years of zero practice. Be proud, I actually was able to order everyone’s food in French! *Muwahahaha… easy, told everyone, “ORDER THE CANARD– It’s Duck!”*. We went into this restaurant called Au Gamin Du Paris, located a little off Place des Vosges, at Rue Vieille du Temple. The restaurant had a rustic feel to it, mirrors surrounded the wall, even one that’s already broken (methinks, badluck?). So it was a half-hearted and resigned yes that I gave DB when he said, let’s try this one.

2nd DB ordered Escargots, and they were very, very good.

I ordered the Soupe L’Oignon Gratinee (French Onion Soup) which was a bit salty, but hey, I love salty food so this worked well for me.

And everyone else ordered Magrit de Canard (Duck breast).

Magrit de Canard a L’Orange (with orange sauce)
Magrit de Canard Au Poivre (with pepper)
Magrit de Canard Avec Pomme Fruits (with apple)
And DSIL also ordered the Fillet de Boeuf (Beef Fillet).
For desert, we had the Catalan– apple pie with cream. It was sooooper goooood!

Apres dejeuner (after lunch) *Hehehe let me do some French words, at least we all get to learn it :D*, we walked around.

Custo Barcelona is alive and well. I almost bought a shirt there but bah, I looked too “thick” waisted 😦 They have cute bags too although some were quite Pucci-esque.

A closed store which sold bags like these:
An accessories boutique which sold a lot of plastic pieces. I ended up buying something there.

A perfume store called Fragonard. Smelled like heaven πŸ˜‰ They also had lovely slippers (with crowns embroidered!), as well as those tortoiseshell link necklaces that looked quite “Hermes“.

Les petites.. interesting blue bag. Sorta like the Hermes Lindy..
And then there’s Gerard Darel, a shop that I thoroughly enjoyed, clothes and shoes, as well as bags.

There was also Sequoia, a brand that I must admit, I’ve never encountered before. But in fairness, the bags are nice.

Satellite of Paris. Beautiful Accessories. Also carried by Firma in the Philippines πŸ˜‰

After an afternoon at Le Marais, we passed by Blvd Haussmann to go visit Galleries Lafayette.
The front of the department store happens to face the back of the Paris Opera House. Ok, remember Phantom of the Opera? Ok, now make the connection… opera house in Paris… Christine Daee… phantom… πŸ˜‰

The inside of the Galleries Lafayette never ceases to amaze me… There was also Gerard Darel there, not to mention other brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Chloe, Gucci.

Anyway, we had to go back to the hotel after 6pm because we were also too tired already. Jet lag and all hitting us big time! What a day, eh? πŸ™‚

*Yawn* I gotta go to bed now. I’m terribly sleepy. Oooh Ooooh, Had to share this– We just had the most fantastic dinner of all time (and the most expensive too! Imagine, 250 EUR per person!! More on that soon– it’s really a meal that has to go on print. It’s totally unsurpassed. In French, C’est marveilleux!!) I’m definitely talking about it, as it’s too unforgettable to ignore!

Someone (won’t mention IP address here out of respect for privacy) posted a comment on my blog, asking me not to post a photo of me if I’m covering my face with a heart anyway– because it’s “annoying” already. So I will no longer post any cam- whoring photos of moi. For you (comment poster) and the rest of the blog reading community, I promise… no, I swear to you, one day when I have my face overhauled (yes, botox’d, surgically enhanced, etc), I will post photos of me, sans le coeur on EVERY post of my blog *muwahahaha*. Too bad, I was actually planning to post photos of moi with my loot… from Hermes too…*hehe… oh well! :(*


19 thoughts on “TRAVELOG: Bag Hag and Le Marais

  1. This is your blog and you can post a phoyo of you even if you cover it with a heart! If it is annoying him/her, why continue reading your blog. Continue posting your picture/face especially your Hermes loot. LOL!

  2. your camwhoring with a heart is NOT annoying. I think it’s charming. don’t let one comment stop you. keep the photos coming. it gives a personal touch to thebaghag even if you cover your beautiful face.

  3. hi! i’ve been a lurker for sometime now… i just want to congratulate you on your blog! you live a very charmed life and thank you for sharing it with us. don’t listen to that one who said that you photos with your face covered are annoying. i think she’s just “inggit”! keep it up and more power.- suzette

  4. awww mrs t! i’m sure whatever you’re hiding behind the heart is very pretty and plus, not all of us like our face to be plastered in every single corner of our blogs πŸ™‚ now do show us that loot from hermes!

  5. Hello,Been a reader of your blog for sometime now. I just had to comment on your last post. First of all, thanks for sharing your vacation pictures with all of us, As for not posting your picture anymore, you should ignore what that one person said to you about not posting your picture. It’s your blog you should feel free to do whatever you want right??Besides, I think most of your readers know who you are and what you look like. I do anyway. :-)Tessa LeeChicago, IL

  6. naku don’t mind them, they’re just KSP (kulang sa pansin)!! please post your H loot! with you, course! and love the evelyne! (tama po ba spelling??) more updates, mrs.T!! i’m living in paris thru your eyes!!! i love it! HB

  7. Mrs T,Glad you are enjoying gay Paris, although the weather is horrendously ruthless. Bienvenue Γ  Paris. We had a couple of days of sunshine 2 weeks ago, I thought that finally spring has arrived when the cherry blossoms in the court yard were blooming and the sky was clear. They have now all wilted and the humid cold weather is back. Quelles mouvaises temps!! Anyways, I just want to say the you ought to have visited l’Eclaireur while you were in the marais. It’s situated on rue des rosiers, right in the middle of the jewish quarters. For someone like you who likes everything luxurious, you would have loved the ‘sights’ (see only , no purchase… save your money for the luxurious sex shop in rue st honorΓ© πŸ˜‰ ) in l’eclaireur and enjoy a heavenly fallafel on your way out. And your DBs can enjoy shopping in the l’Eclaireur homme on rue Mahler, which is like 1 minute walk away from the one on rue des Rosiers.Well, there is another boutique next to Buddha Bar, the side street of rue St. HonorΓ©. If you feel like going, you can do it en route to HermΓ¨s. I can’t remember the name of the road, but just turn left at the corner of Lanvin.

  8. appreciate if you can share the inventory at the hermes store, especially picotins and kellys. cant wait for photos of your loot, and from the mothership yet!

  9. Hi Mrs. T,I’ve been reading your blog for sometime now and I personally don’t mind seeing heart-covered face. I think it’s one of the appeal of your blog. So please don’t stop posting your photos with you in it. If the anonymous commenter doesn’t like it, then said anonymous commenter should just take a hike. Cheers!

  10. Ahhh that person who commented about you not showing your face is BLOODY ungrateful! Becauseeeeeeeee you have been so gracious in sharing with us your knowledge of fashion & ideas & giving us the updates on new bags out there & even to the extend of AUTHENTICATING it! SHE/HE should rot in HELL AND DON’T EVEN BOTHER VISITING THIS BLOG !!! I respect your privacy as a mother, wife, socialite. Please show us your Hermes loot 😦 sniff sniff… s’il vous plait! Merci c’est gentille Mrs T !

  11. Mrs T, sorry to hear about that comment. I do enjoy seeing your stylish get-ups so I will miss your photos. I would love to see your loot from Hermes!!!

  12. Dear Mrs. T,Envious. spent my holy week praying for God to remove going to your blog and salivating over your loot (ok so I got a white longchamp with female illustrations in front)No shame in hiding behind a heart in a blog, since its your right and perogative (hmmmm, its probably like a meeting in bagaholics anonymous.. “hi im mrs. t and i have an addiction to hermes and goyard… “clap” from the others like u.s. tina the bag snob who said she needs to go to YSL rehab.. hahaha.. kidding)no seriously, your blog is a refreshing and is something i totally look forward to when i go on line… maybe i can vicariously live through your blog.since its free to dream anyway..happy easter.closet case chris

  13. hi Mrs T,I am another quiet reader of your blog. Love it.The rude comment is so uncalled for. I totally support your heart on face posts. IT’s your blog and you have the right to your privacy.chin up k???best regards, Belinda

  14. hi mrs t.i sorely miss your blog when it was not available for a number of days 😦 don’t mind that rude person who left that comment about tiring of seeing your heart covered face. she/he should not read your blog after all if that’s how she/he feels. reading your blog is so refreshing because you deliver it with such class and aplomb, unlike other fashionista blogs 😦

  15. hello, this s RI of dvo,quite a few of us hav seen u in peson and heard nothing/commentng about u posting ur pix wd a heart.just dont mind him/her teling u some annoying remrks, they just dont hav anything good to do. keep up the good work and please reveal to us ur loot jejeje.

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