Clutched! + Bag High

If those large bags have been giving you shoulder pains and back aches (yes, you don’t have arthritis yet, you’re not THAT old. It’s your bag!!! Hehehe), it’s time to reconsider what you carry as a bag (and yeah, go find yourself a good chiropractor haha).

Clutches are almost like the antithesis of those over-sized bags. That’s literally the worst thing you could give a pack rat– a clutch. It’s easy to keep stuffing your bag with your whole house, but it’s nearly impossible to take the whole house out of your bag πŸ™‚ *I’ve attempted this many times, and am defeated each time by all my junk!*

But perhaps another look at the myriad of clutches will make us pack rats reconsider πŸ™‚ So shall I attempt the almost- impossible and convert the legion of over-sized bag lovers into clutch addicts?

Sang A striped lizard clutch. Now, exotics are very big this year, and a brightly colored exotic skinned clutch might just be what we pack rats need πŸ™‚ Former Korean actress and singer Sang A’s clutch is hand painted with stripes. We live in a machine-driven world, and anything worked by hand is a novelty. And so the price of this clutch is reflective of that. At US$2,395, this clutch is simply divine and well, if you have learned to “edit” your stuff, this is definitely worth getting. Available at

This “clutch” caught my eye. I was like, Oh crap, I swore not so long ago that I wouldn’t buy a Judith Leiber bling evening bag. Why? Because it’s too umm… matronic. Yeah, that’s the word. Don’t get me wrong, this is sooo not a bad word. In fact, it’s flattering (for me hehe)– cause I so wanna be part of that matronic crowd πŸ˜€ Cause that means I’ve already financially “made it” muwahahaha *think dripping in jewels*. πŸ˜€ Teeheee… anyway I like this Limited edition Zinnia bag by Judith Leiber
because it reminds me of one of my favorite fruits, tomato. Clearly though this bag is a zinnia (hello, le fleur), and NOT a tomato *muwahaha… goes to show what a warped mind I have haha* Anyhoo, it’s clear to me that I wouldn’t actually pay $4,495 for a fully beaded bag like that on any given day, but the brief two- second thought of owning it did cross my mind. To where I shall carry it? My, that question would’ve been left unanswered ’til I get to my “real” matrona years (sigh… I wonder if THAT’s ever gonna happen, seeing how drowned I am in debt now… tsk pretty ambitious to even think I’d ever reach that “dripping in jewels” matrona lifestyle hehe). Alas, one can never be faulted for dreaming hahaha. What can I say, I’m a shallow baghag *wannabe*! πŸ™‚ Hopefully this zinnia bag will still be available at some twenty years or so from now πŸ˜€

Sigh, today I was supposed to pass by the trunk show of Celestina to see the new collection and to blog about them tonight, but I had 2 deadlines to meet (yes, work haha– I should be grateful already actually… snort, my employers obviously don’t know who Mrs.T is hahaha.. not so “Jackie” after all!) and I was really pressed for time. I was actually stuck working until 6.30p and the Celestina viewing ended at 5pm *Big SOB*. Celestina’s RicoO was kind enough to actually send me a personal SMS *cough Mrs.T= feeling bigshot haha. NOT* telling me that I “must” go today to view the pieces, because apparently they are by far, the best ones. I was really so excited to go too, but *ugh* time was just not enough today 😦 I will try to go there on Thursday instead– hopefully I’d still be let in πŸ™‚ *images of me banging on the door, crying and begging to be allowed entry came flashing through my head hahaha… VIP? I zon’t zhink soooo! hehe*

Alrighty, I need to energize me like that hyper bunny battery for tomorrow (LOOOONG day) and get some good shut eye. It has been a tiring day, and my internet was not too cooperative either, which added to my frustration + writer’s block *note to all: I get writer’s block ALL the TIME, which explains why I write like crap ALL the time*.

But just before I say goodnight, I need to post this uber colorful, tutti frutti photo of someone’s Hermes collection.

(Thanks M for sending that photo above because it makes me soooooo happy *beaming* to brag about another person’s bag collection– obviously I have nothing worthy of such beauty, so I need to brag for other people hahaha.. ok so I’m pathetic, sick, insane, shallow, deplorable… ok I’ll stop now. My self esteem is well, the size of an ant. Actually, smaller. Hehehe it’s ok, I’m still happy :D)

Ohhh-tay! That was my sugar high for the day *dang I wish I saw this picture this morning haha* πŸ™‚ I better work my buns off more, that way I can go swipey- swipey with my credit card again and not have those darned creditors hounding me for payment *Abuse! Abuse!! hahaha* Ok can someone do me the grand favor of having all my debt written off please? *Me shows you the nicest and widest smile, with gleaming pearly whites too!* *The Secret* haha.. who knows, someone might just come forward and make me his/her charitable cause πŸ™‚ Mr. Warren Buffet, I’m reaching out to you… πŸ˜‰ A few Berkshire Hathaway shares my way and I’d be a contented cow πŸ™‚

Ever so shallow,
(bouncing off the walls after ogling at the bags)

One thought on “Clutched! + Bag High

  1. Hi Mrs T! I heard that there is this country (don’t remember which one), when the king is happy with his oil profits he pays all credit card debts of all his people… My sister who travels a lot said she witness this first hand… Let’s relocate there Mrs T!MPR

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