NATORI Show Part 3- Runway 2

More runway photos from Natori! Hope you enjoy looking through them πŸ™‚


I love this look! Isn’t it very Roman?

Exquisite embroidery


How very Versace home πŸ™‚

This jacket was REALLLY nice

Stunning with that red bead necklace!
And the bride…The contrasting red obi made it soooo dramatic (dingding, Memoirs of a Geisha?)

It’s over! Models came out with lanterns…

Josie Natori takes a bow πŸ™‚
Gets a lovely hug and flowers from husband Ken Natori πŸ™‚
What a great show! Indeed one of the best events of 2008! I was glad I was there. I hardly get invited to anything anymore *ahem ahem PNG calling haha*, so this was a big thing πŸ™‚ *hehehe*


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