"Steals" of the Week + Brag a Bag or two :)

Dear baghags and readers,

THANK YOU so much for participating in my “project” by supplying honest answers to my question~ you are all indeed baghags!!! πŸ™‚

Last week, my friends and I decided to skip work *muwahaha Busted!!!* to go bargain- hunting at our favorite department store, Shoe Mart (SM). It has been a very loooong time since I have last done this, since I was always pressed for time, plus that annoying fact that I had to undergo so much unnecessary stress from late last year ’til early on this year. Ugh. I just hate having a dark cloud hovering above my head. The Big Guy up there must’ve heard my prayers and answered them. Voila, thank Gawd that period of stress is finally over *whew!!!*. Now, it has been sunshine left, right, and center for this baghag (except for when those credit card bills come pouring in hahaha), starting off with two wonderful events that I’m sooooo looking forward to this March πŸ™‚ *beams* More on those soon!

Anyhoo, I decided that it was time to reward myself with some fun- filled shopping spree along with 3 of my friends, Jo, Kel, and Di. πŸ™‚ SM’s one of the best places to go bargain shopping, hands down. You’ve got some real cool “hits”, like this black belted dress (3rd from left), and “misses” like this blue “I’m not a Plastic bag” mocking Anya Hindmarch‘s original design.

Then you’ve got soooooooo many slippers– it was eye candy with all those colors and different styles, all for under Php 100 each (that’s under US$3!).

And tons of clothes for realllllly good prices! I’m not even talking throwaway clothes here! The shopping experience at SM locally is like shopping at Macy’s in the US. Only Macy’s merchandise costs more $$. SM’s like an organized warehouse with affordable clothes– you just gotta be patient with the navigation πŸ™‚

It has been a very looong time since I last walked away from a shopping expedition with having spent just under Php 1,000. I couldn’t believe the ultimate “steal” of the night (for me anyway haha): this belted dress for only Php 999.95! That’s just US$25!I’m gonna wear this dress with layered necklaces from D!Luxe so I’ll look like a million bucks (without having to shell out $$$$$ to look it!) *muwahahaha here goes the ostentatious Mrs.T once again :D*

Oh, oh! I was also able to get me a pair of going- out- quality brown shorts for under Php 550! (Sorry I had my new brown shorts washed.. haha I plan to wear them next week!) I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw them (I’ll post a photo of the washed shorts here soon– that is, if I remember!)

Hags, since tomorrow is a holiday, why not pop over SM to check out the merchandise they have? I swear, if you are patient enough, you will walk away with cheap, good stuff πŸ™‚ *Muwahaha I sound like I’m endorsing SM… Psst, Mr.HenrySy and famille, can I get SM clothing allowance now? Muwahahaha shameless!!!* That photo with the “I just love shopping at SM” quote above (with the black dresses) is exactly what I said after I walked away with my good finds πŸ˜‰

And today, after having a wonderful night’s sleep, I got inspired to look online for some good bag finds. And these babies made the cut:

Banana Republic Greenwich Oversized shoulder bag. I love this chalk- colored bag. It has a shoulder strap and also works as a “hand” bag! I love the buckle detail too, as it isn’t too busy looking and doesn’t overpower the overall look of the bag. The slouch of the bag looks great too! Priced at US$278 (this is such a welcome change from all those over US$2k priced bags!)

Another bag which I am liking because it instantly reminded me of another classic style by Hermes, the Garden party tote, is this Banana Republic Sutton Large Straw tote. I like it, because it seems like the perfect bag to use too for spring/ summer! This bag would define the words “Casual chic” to me. Perfect to carry with your ratty old jeans too πŸ˜‰ Priced at US$198.

Both bags are available at Banana Republic.

And yes, Banana Republic is STILL on sale til the 1st of March! You can actually get those bag above at 15% off!! How’s that for a bargain? πŸ™‚ Go, go, go already!!

P.S. Sorry for this brag-bag photo πŸ˜€ I just can’t resist posting this photo of my DSIL’s Hermes turquoise chevre birkin 30cm and my 32cm HAC fuchsia bag. Peeps were wondering if there was a Hermes 30cm birkin in turquoise chevre mysore since most of the time, turquoise would only come in swift leather. Welp, there is! And here’s proof! This is the true turquoise color (not blue jean) *Hehe there isn’t a day that I don’t bug my DSIL if she wants to lend me her bag since I loooove the color and the leather πŸ™‚ Her answer? A fat NO each time hahaha. “You ain’t no charity case”, she said to me. Muwahahaha (have pitttyyy on meeeeeeeeee!!! hehehe)*



4 thoughts on “"Steals" of the Week + Brag a Bag or two :)

  1. wow! i love your DSIL’s birkin! lalo na it’s chevre!new purchases? btw, can you get a chevre birkin in stores or you have to special order it? and get wait listed =(HB

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