The next "IT" is a whaa?

Not that we don’t love bags anymore *trust me, I do*, but the lack of another “it” bag has been prompting the bag lovers to take a second look at designer jewelry. I know, I know, am I being a hypocrite to my fellow bag-izens by blogging about something other than bags? Nawwwww, I’ll always be a baghag at heart and you all know that.

After all, the bag has become the best and instant passport to status recognition– no 8 hour waits! Muwahahaha, see how I have somewhat pointed my onion- bulb of a nose slightly upward when I started carrying the Pandora bag? Heheheee tsk Mrs.T = snooty socialite *cough choke* NOT! More like wannabe socialite but nevahevahwillbe! *Muwahahaha*.

Seriously though, those who have got the moolahlah have been looking elsewhere for that status recog (or ok, some really just appreciate the finer things in life without coveting the status attachments, making them connoisseurs in the truest sense). And what can I say, it’s jewelry they look for to complete their “look”. That and good jewelry (we’re not talking mediocre quality too) is what would make a good balance for expensive designer bags.

Case in point, the distribution arm of De Beers (Diamond Trading Company) announced over a month ago that the January sight (where De Beers sells their rough diamonds) was going to have a 3.5% increase. The increase would focus on the higher- end range of roughs and other areas of “strong demand”. It basically meant that the 3.5% increase would apply to smaller diamonds, while larger diamonds will succumb to an increase of possibly over 3.5% (we’re talking something in the 10 – 15% range even). See, there is DEMAND for diamonds, for jewelry, just as there is demand for designer bags!

*SHOCK* as if the annual (or even bi-annual) increase in price of already- expensive designer bags wasn’t enough. Not that this diamond increase is really any of my concern now though, because I can’t afford large diamonds even if I covet them night and day next to an Hermes crocodile birkin *Muwahaha* (heck one peek at my rotting bank account and out comes the truth– that I can’t even pay for a decent Valentines’ Day dinner– hehe my DH and I had Shabu Shabu for Valentines’ Day πŸ˜€ *yummmy but oh-so-unromantic haha*)

Anyway, for those who want something off the beaten path, jewelry that is equivalent to an Hermes crocodile birkin with diamonds, you have an elusive designer like Joel Arthur Rosenthal (who likes to be known as JAR). JAR doesn’t just see any client, as I’ve read. No amount of money can get you in those Place Vendome doors (unless you get endorsed or recommended by someone he knows). He is certainly 1,000 times more elusive than a classic black Hermes birkin on the boutique shelf (yes, regular leather… we’ve seen black croc birkins with diamonds on the shelf haha, but never a black togo birkin in 35cm– at least not on the store shelf!). When pieces of JAR’s work hit the auction block (like they did during the Ellen Barkin jewels auction at Christies), they almost always triple or quadruple in price. Investment- wise, JAR pieces are totally spot- on. He only produces somewhere between 70 – 80 jewelry pieces a year (much, much less than an Hermes birkin :D)

Designer Diane Von Furstenberg has called him “The FabergΓ© of today”, IHT’s Suzy Menkes calls him “The Greatest Living Jeweller”. US Vogue calls him “A sorcerer of stones”. I continue to be impressed with his work (but what are my words of praise compared to the words that came from the monoliths of fashion and luxury *hehehe*). So, courtesy of Christies’ by way of Forbes Magazine, here are some pieces of JAR’s work.

Diamond Thread ring
Bonnet ring
Sugarloaf cabochon ring
Gondola thread ring
Pearl drop earrings
I particularly love the sugarloaf emerald ring, and I might add that although these are designs that you’ve probably seen before, be informed that the pieces you’ve seen were probably design- inspired by JAR. His “style” is so widely copied. He revolutionized and practically perfected the pavΓ© thread setting *almost invisibly set!* and the use of blackened metal (gold) to further enhance the beauty of the stone.

I do know someone who actually owns a few JAR pieces *brags brags and beams !! πŸ˜€ I know, pathetic to even brag about this since that doesn’t make me know JAR even if by association only hahaha* , this charm bracelet (made to commemorate the wearer’s children’s birthdays) being one of them.
This is probably the only chance I’ll ever have to actually “touching” a JAR work of art *muwahaha*. I know, sad! But I am still honored with the chance of having seen and touched this πŸ™‚ *Thank you MsI for letting me play with the bracelet for a bit hehe*

I shall, throughout my life, continue to covet JAR pieces. (Let’s not even talk price since they’re just wayy out of my league.. we’re talking lightyears here!) Hehe maybe one day I get a sponsor for a JAR masterpiece (Mr. Ron Perelman, an endorsement from you will do hahaha) πŸ˜€ *Ugh I wish I could just knock on his shop doors and name drop someone, but alas, No big time person actually knows ME enough to endorse me *I might just embarrass them hahaha. sob.. I’m such a loser this way .. sob sob hehe*

Another jewelry designer that I’ve been obsessing over, is Sevan Bicakci of Turkey. His work is likewise unique and never before seen, and he is already fast becoming a star in his own right– globally. Select pieces of his work is available through Barneys, and if there was one jeweller whose pieces are unique in that plethora of jewelry selection at Barneys, it’s unquestionably Sevan’s.

The more elaborate pieces which I have once featured on my blog in the past (October 11, 2007 post) are of course, priced much, much higher (and I can only dreaaaaaam and drool!!). But recently has some of his pieces featured online and of course, I am only too pleased to post the photos here πŸ™‚

Smoky topaz ring: US$6,290.

Star of David ring: US$10,850. *gulp*

Theodora ring: US$14,625 *gulp AND choke* This has an engraved tourmaline, set around micromosaic and pave diamonds. Oh did I mention this ring is made of sterling silver, with white gold (on the inside of the ring)? Amazing, eh? But dang, that price is equivalent to one 35cm togo birkin and one 28cm kelly!
But ahhh… this ring, is too gorgeous. *dream*

And then there’s always H. Stern at the newly opened Adora at Greenbelt 5. Smoky Quartz ring for Php 148,800. *oh Gawd, yea they may be “more” affordable than JAR or Sevan, but they’re still so expensiiiiiive!!!*

My, my is Mrs.T suddenly becoming a purveyor of ideas for all things luxurious or what? *beams* Oh an honor haha. *Cough cough* does that permanently cement my “caviar taste- fishstick budget” image? *hehehe*

Sigh, after this post, I think I’ll just go back to lusting for bags. Jewelry lusting is just far too expensive, n’est ce pas? πŸ˜€

Onward to finding the next “it” bag again it is πŸ™‚

Or if not an “it” bag, perhaps this YSL forever satchel, which is reminiscent of the vintage bags that our moms used to carry? Priced at US$1,895 at

Or this Chloe Odessa bag in a beautiful marriage of 2 colors. Simple and uncomplicated. I’m loving this one πŸ™‚ Priced at US$1,695 at


7 thoughts on “The next "IT" is a whaa?

  1. jessica: Actually it is not really too hard to get a black birkin at Hermes, but to actually SEE the black birkin on the shelf on display? That’s a lot harder than actually being able to buy the bag at the store πŸ™‚ It’s because when there are black birkins, they almost always are spoken for. And if they aren’t, almost always, they get sold very fast. Unless the black birkin happens to be croc :)jos1e267: oooh I’m glad that you appreciate this jewelry post! You might have a fatter chance to meet him than me, in which case, please tell him someone in the Philippines (who has low to no budget) loves loves JAR too πŸ˜‰ *wink!*anon: jewelry vs. bags is a pretty easy decision for me. None. Coz I have low to no budget hahaha. I can only drool and dream constantly πŸ˜‰

  2. Mrs.T, do you have any pieces from H Stern? Is There Sevan available here in the Philippines also? I am also slowly collecting jewelry and you are correct. Don’t buy mediocre jewelry because these smaller pieces don’t amount to a lot so just save for bigger ones πŸ˜‰

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