Gatecrasher of 2008– and the Year of the Rat :D

I was going to do a bit of work today but got too lazy so I just basically lounged around the house (for the first time since work began this year *woohoo*). It’s almost that time of the month again *ugh to be a woman hehe* and we know how sluggish we can get when THAT happens (chalk it up to your aging baghag hahaha… I think the young ‘uns don’t really get that “sluggish” feeling when the time for them to ride the crimson wave nears haha). I literally had to drag my bootie out of bed this evening to get dressed up for the Mega Fashion Awards at the Hotel Intercontinental (which was postponed from last year because of that Trillanes thingie. *Fuming*).

Anyway, I didn’t wear a gown, which was probably why as I checked in with the registration table, the lady couldn’t find my name! And to think SariY called to remind me to attend the party the day before! *Muwahahaha… Mrs.T GATECRASHED a PARTY?!?! CLASSIC!!!* So you see hags, I have illustrated the fact that I don’t even amount to a speck of dust in this society. The very fact that my name was not seen on the seating arrangement only cements my image as a PNG baghag *ahem, Persona Non Grata haha* (well *duh* coz I socialclimb? Tsk, ain’t rocket science to get that figured out hahaha!!)

Nevertheless, the lady probably took serious pity on me (this is the first time someone took pity on me… normally they don’t even if they should! Hmph, don’t I look like a charity case? Pity meee) and assigned me a seat at the Sapphire table (I jumped ship to the Ruby table with my galpals for the night, JDHoschka and VerushkaG, and later on, DaphP *who presented an award*). In fairness, the lady who arranged for the seat profusely apologized for the disorganization (she doesn’t have the guest list, only a seating chart with scribbles.. yea yea excuses haha). Whew! I was able to attend this event and have dinner after all hahaha *Pathetic!* But thank Gawd I chose not to wear a gown and humiliate myself should the need arise that I have to eat by my lonesome at the Jeepney Coffee shop *snicker*.

Anyway, I bagged some pretty neat loot from the party– a six pack of that new Pepsi Deluxe (umm.. designer drink, anyone?) and a Tommy Hilfiger perfume set from Essences. Not a bad night eh? Despite my place card problem, I was able to eat a full meal of salad, fish, and cupcake (ok confession, I barely touched my dinner actually because I had eaten before I went to the event hahaha). Talk about being a professional gatecrashing socialclimber *muwahahaha* Pssst, I should be seriously awarded “Mega Gatecrasher of the Night” Muwahahahahahaha…. *WOOHOO!! Vote for Meeee haha* πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

Thank Gawd that was done and over with. It could’ve been privately humiliating, but again I chose to disclose the most humiliating experiences in my life on this blog. I know, I know, I have no more shame… bare it all why don’t I *Pfffffffft!! Puke!.*

Anyhooo, moving right along… I was just thinking… what would the year 2008 would bring us baghags? The Chinese New Year will be on February 7 this year (from what I know), and we are to usher in the new year– Year of the Rat. While I was thinking that, I was checking out and lookit what I saw πŸ™‚

Zac Posen Bo Small Shoulder Bag. Doesn’t this teeny bag look just a bit like a mouse? πŸ™‚ It would be perfect to ring in the year of the Rat *literally* hehe.. Priced at US$1,195 at

And new from Prada. The Dressy New Look tote for US$1,795. Prada’s been fantastic last year, with bag hits from the main brand and its sister brand, MiuMiu. So this bag once more wins points because while the design is basic and rather plain, it speaks volumes in that it is unpretentious and exudes class and sophistication. Available at

That’s all there is for now. It’s already 3.30 am and this ol’ lady needs some shuteye or I won’t be able to wake up in time for work again tomorrow. πŸ™‚ Another new day begins. Ain’t life grand?

P.S. to AnnaS, the godmum of Fabio (who has by the way, left an indelible mark on my nose… he is no longer with us, but his ghost remains hahaha): the bet is definitely on. You see hags, AnnaS and I are currently on a purse ban… and whoever breaks that purse ban first will treat the winner to a Starbucks tall drink (not venti because that’ll be too expensive, and the bets are just for coffee since the winner will obviously be too broke to treat for dinner after a new bag purchase hahahaha). I’m gonna wiiiin, I’m gonna wiiiin *goading Fabio’s godmum hehe*

PNG Mrs.T πŸ™‚

One thought on “Gatecrasher of 2008– and the Year of the Rat :D

  1. Ha ha Mrs.T… its okey, coz at these parties so many people gate crash anyway. Im sure you dint gate crash the party. your not the type ha ha but funny story!

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