Thebaghag’s NEW YEAR COUNTDOWN! Happy 2008!!

After tucking the kids to bed, DH and I decided to head over to the Makati street party where the New Year’s celebration countdown will happen.

We got to the corner of Ayala Avenue and Makati Avenue where there was a huge stage, and there were some rock musicians singing and doing their thang. Of course the problem with this baghag is, she knows absolutely Nothing about local music *which is actually sad since local musicians and artists are so talented* Nevertheless, we decided to skip the shi shi poo poo party at the Pen, and just mingle with the rest of the Makatizens at the street party πŸ˜€ *woowoo!!*

There was Mandarin Oriental Hotel catering– small tapas or appetizers cost something like 60 pesos up (dumplings, hotdog…). We were too full to eat so we skipped that and headed straight for the platform area (methinks DH should actually learn to rock to the music like moi … hehehe… I’m the real wild one, wild one, wild one *sings*)

Near the platform, was none other than “Kuya” Kim (big brother Kim) Atienza of ABS-CBN (media giant– yep, the company this baghag used to work for πŸ˜€ now I’m just a pathetic jobless baghag wannabe *sob* hehehe), who reported live from the street party. We said our quick “hi” and “happy new year” to this popular host before we walked around a bit more since we still had a good 40 minutes before the countdown began.

We got to the back of the Manila Peninsula, where the Nielsen’s was (where that *ugh* rogue soldier Trillanes stormed into the hotel). And we saw loads and loads of fireworks. Pyrotechnics. Thin barrel- sized ones, with cables strewn all over. This was the first time I came this close to so much firework “ammo” if you can call it that. It got me especially freaked out when we saw a lady walking by with a cigarette in her hand. Luckily a police officer flagged her down immediately. Yikes!

Before long, the countdown began!!

5…4…3…2…1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Everyone was in awe….
as the fireworks continued to fill the sky…

DH and I went back home after the fireworks to pop our bottle of Dom Perignon Rose (vintage 1998) champagne πŸ™‚ The champagne is officially 10 years old πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ *and it’s still sooo yummy!!*


May the year 2008 bring us all new and better bags, and may the year continue to be prosperous mentally, physically, emotionally, and of course materially for all of us πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


One thought on “Thebaghag’s NEW YEAR COUNTDOWN! Happy 2008!!

  1. great photos! esp of the explosives. very photo-journodid you see gma7’s footage of the bulacan fireworks-stalls that caught on fire! exploded! because some idiot flicked a cigarette?dop

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