Socialclimbing at the Inno- Bea show and at the DFA. (Text heavy!)

Errr before I write anything further, I must warn you, this is a VERYYYY LOOOONG POST!! πŸ™‚

I have been missing on blogger for a few days now– oh believe me, you get to the point where you realize blogger IS your life, and then you realize that your kids have already grown up without you knowing it, and that’s the time you figure out, holy crap you need to take a sabbatical from blogging because you’re so lost in your own blogging world! And then a few days into your sabbatical, you feel empty because you just CANNOT not blog– then comes this crankiness *kinda like PMS but not really haha*, then you take it out on your bags *you bring one out of the box and realize she has some kinda dirt stuck on her, and then you start cussing not at the bag, but more at yourself for being so careless– and then of course the rest of your bags bear witness to the whole senseless drama because you realize it’s just a lint on the bag that you can easily remove after all hahaha*. All because you did NOT blog. Talk about withdrawal!! (I’m sure those who went cold turkey and stopped smoking did not go through this pathetic exercise haha).

So now, I am back to blogging. Besides, I have too much stuff to talk about that if I don’t blog, my DH will become deaf from all my blabbing πŸ˜€ Last night, I joined DaphP and attended the Inno Sotto- Bea Valdes gala *thanks mucho Daph!* I still remember “working” with InnoS. We had a wedding shoot for the magazine, and the pictorial was scheduled a bit earlier than expected. We needed gowns. I remember making that call to Inno and pleading with him to make one exclusively for us. He had a week and a half to do it. And guess what, he did do it! And though he didn’t have much time to do it, the gown was just exquisite. That’s Inno for you πŸ™‚

Ahhh What a fun night it was. All these high society ladies in their fancy frocks were just dripping in jewels, jewels, jewels!! (One lady came to mind when I said “dripping in jewels”– Ms. Meldy Cojuangco who had a thick diamond choker and these gliteratti diamond earrings.) I was soo bling-blinded!

I also loved the beautiful ruby earrings of Isabel Preysleryes, she was in town for the event. This lovely woman is mom to hottie Enrique Iglesias. She is gorgeous. If I get to that age where my kids are already grown up (adults), I’d love to have a body like hers. She makes me want to work out *muwahaha yeah!!*

I also espied PopsFernandez among the crowd
And ah there’s the lovely KCConcepcion escorted by Supreme’s TimYap.
ok wait, let it be publicly known that I don’t know the women above personally– but more importantly, let it be publicly known that they don’t know who the hell I am *muwahaha nope, not feeling self- important today. At all. haha*. But yes, I did take these snaparazzi photos of them. Whaddaya expect, I brought along my brick camera and it has awesome zoom lens! So there πŸ˜€ *snicker… click click click are there incriminating photos of so and so with who? …. hahaha I shall be mum on this– after all, I am not getting paid like those Hollywood paparazzi. Tsk tsk*

However, these are two people I know and love *hahaha brag brag brag yeah!* Proudly Filipina’s DaphnePaez and Metro editor-in-chief MelCuevas, both in Joey Samson. Wait, whoa, I took a photo of the Ponds girl and the Olay girl πŸ˜€ (Check out their skin. Flawless. Both of them. *Ok I’m officially green with envy* hehe)

My seatmates– Inquirer’s Ria Prieto, Oprah Magazine’s PJPascual, and QTV’s DaphnePaez.

My bag of choice for the night was natch, my Bea Valdes bag, and DaphP chose to use a beautiful Celestina minaudiere.
The clothes were what is expected of Inno Sotto. Showstopping, theatrical, and very haute couture. ( In other words, clothes that would look great on everyone else but me *bawl bawl*). I liked that everything he made had “volume”.

In truth though, I had my eyes on the bags more than the clothes… natch πŸ™‚ That’s me being a baghag (I was never really a clotheshorse). Oh and before I post more bag photos, sorry about some blurry images, we actually didn’t really have great seats since practically all the seats up front were full already… although I must say, I did entertain the thought of sitting next to grand dame MeldyCojuangco, but I would probably be swatted off like a fly by those around her (like hello I’m a total fruit fly who fed on pond scum, next to all of them!*, soooo…. I changed my mind *chortle* my social climbing skills couldn’t take me that far yet hahaha).

The bags of Bea Valdes were again, very pretty and delicate looking (they are nowhere near delicate though– they’re sooo well made, like I can whack someone’s head with it and the bag’s trimmings won’t even fall off!! Seriously, I don’t think any Suzy Homemaker can sew crystals onto a bag this well)

Bea also had accessories– necklaces *or rather neck pieces* like these (which made it to the pages of Vogue!)

The necklace was the bodice of the dress!
The red bags were gorgeous against the black gowns.
I loved the blue color of this gown, and the bag! The marriage between these two is perfect!

More bags

Not my type, but interesting.There was actually a jellybean shaped bag that I loved. Too bad I wasn’t able to take a shot of that. 😦

The show was not too long. Before we knew it, it was over!

and Bea take a bow. Bea looks gorgeous. She is positively glowing!

Apres the show, we ran into Preview’s creative duo VinceUy and LizUy (Liz wore DebbieCo)

The gorgeous duo CelineLopez and WendyPuyat-Hotung. Jewels, gown… bellisima!

My loot for the night πŸ™‚Ponds whitening cream, Inno Sotto’s perfume, and some kind of bottle opener from Nokia. (I know, bottle opener and Nokia? What’s the connection?) But bah, a swag is a swag. Why complain? πŸ™‚

We decided to have dinner after the show at Inagiku. I’ve always been a fan of this restaurant, except that I always get sticker shock when the bill arrives πŸ˜€ *I still love Kuretake and Tsumura the most. Sorry Inagiku hehe* Ace lensman PatrickUy decided to catch up and dine with us. I worked with PatrickUy a lot while I was still at the Weddings magazine. (PatrickUy is an institution– he defined wedding photography!) He was my go-to guy when it comes to jewelry photography. He takes the best detailed shots, hands down. So I was pleased when he was able to join us for late dindin with PJ, Daphne, and Ria. Oh and I almost forgot to mention, Fabio was with me too πŸ˜€ *My date for the night hahaha*

What a fun, fun night! When Daph and Patrick asked me where I was going the next day, I mentioned to them that I was going to pop by DFA (Department of Foreign Affairs) to get my passport renewed. It’s not yet expired, but I no longer have any available pages 😦 I don’t think they thought I was seriously going through DFA without someone’s help.But ahh, yes I was going “commando”– on my own, no help, with long waits, long lines (although my DH said there shouldn’t be a lot of people since peeps would probably be out of town for the long holiday)… I was determined πŸ™‚ This baghag’s going to pay DFA a visit!! πŸ™‚

So the next day, I did pass by DFA. Horrors upon horrors. This was what greeted me.
A VERY LOOOOOOONG LINE (which snaked all the way to the gym beside DFA. Take note, not even inside DFA!). I was like, crud. Just when I had a great time last night, swimming in some lap of luxury when reality had to sink in today. Ugh noooooooo….. long line + direct sunlight= me sweating and stinking in the process! No shortcuts too! No help from anyone in getting my passport renewed unlike the last few times when all it took was a phonecall! Oh and I had this side bet that I’d survive the long line and the whole process of acquiring a new passport without using connections. I am soo not wanting to pay for my friend’s dinner, but oh dear, I wanted to bail– like come back on an early morning in November instead. But no. A bet is a bet. I will not give in hahaha *tsk there’s the competitive ol’ me!* This baghag will live to tell some passport renewal tale on this blog πŸ™‚

I stood out in the direct sunlight (thank goodness for Olay Total Effects– hello sunscreen! haha) for a good hour. I was just thinking of twenty thousand ways to get out of the line *i.e. fake fainting hahahaha* to be able to head straight to someone’s office at DFA *muwahaha hello, shortcut!*. I also started sending messages to my friends who had amigas in high places– that I needed their help to have someone bail me out of this long line. They all told me to just gather the paperwork I had, go home, and have someone accompany me in November to get this done– 1 hour tops is all I’ll have to wait, a friend of mine promised. No one they know is at DFA today. At this very moment.

Aww crud!! Bear in mind too that it was high noon and I had NOT eaten lunch. I had Php 1,000 in my wallet. CRAP!!! I HAVE NO MONEY!!!! *muwahahahaha pathetic!!* (Mental calculation: Passport processing: Php 750, ID photo Php 150, and some photocopying service… that left me with less than Php 100, and oh Lawrd what if there are more fees to pay?!?!). No more money for food!! I stared hungrily at the little kid who was eating her Jollibee palabok with gusto *sob*. I was HUNGRY and had no money to buy food! *hehehe really pathetic!!*

Oh here– I was even more afraid that I’d need to go to the bathroom and no one would hold the line for me. *Snicker* This is a place where connections won’t matter. No amount of name dropping among fellow applicants will get you to the head of the class so to speak. I couldn’t turn to the next person and say, “Hey, know what, I’m Mrs.T, the baghag! You know?” Hahaha. This is sooo not going to happen πŸ™‚ I was no KrisAquino or PopsFernandez for that matter, so all I really deserve from the peeps whom I say that line to, is a big smack on my head πŸ˜€ hehe… I was hungry, thirsty, and was literally baking (while others had umbrellas). Oh and did I mention that I was alone? πŸ™‚ I realized I am going to have to brave this– because all the other Filipinos had to go through it, and though they are complaining, they are still happy πŸ™‚ So why not me, right? I’m no more special than they are (in fact, they’re full from the food they bought at the canteen, and I couldn’t even cough up Php 20 for drinks! *sad!!!*). I think I had been so spoiled in the past to have everyone do everything for me, that it’s actually time I figure out how long it really takes for the average person to go through this whole process. This is a learning experience that money can’t really buy. So I didn’t turn my back. Instead, I looked ahead and prayed that the sun will stop shining in my freckle- covered face *Oye IPL doesn’t come cheap!!*

After the long line outside, I thought I was finally entering the gates of passport renewal heaven since I made it to the inside of the gymnasium, when Oh My Gawd, THIS greeted me!
Now, I really almost fainted. There was too much carbon dioxide. Too many people! I heard peeps complaining about the heat too. I looked behind me and in front of me. There were people everywhere! And I was thinking, shoot, I already smell like a cross between a rotten egg and stale sweat *hahaha is there such a thing?!*. I was so embarrassed (and even moreso now that I am baring all this to those who are reading this post hahaha). I prayed hard that the lady behind me didn’t have a keen sense of smell *muwahaha*. Sigh, I swore to myself I am going to make this passport renewal experience fun and memorable. So I began socializing and befriending peeps *hahaha wooha, this place could very well be an excellent place to campaign– bah but I ain’t into politics so it’s a no-go haha*. Besides, I’m no longer in direct sunlight, so I am in a better condition to chat πŸ™‚ The direct heat was really unbearable and it made me lightheaded earlier. 😦 *bring an umbrella if you plan to come to DFA*

The lady in front of me was getting her passport for the first time since she wanted to work abroad. She was planning to apply as a domestic helper (should she not get a better job– she graduated from college but she was willing to work as a domestic helper) either in Hong Kong or in some other Asian country. I actually discouraged her from applying as a domestic helper. I was like, this country needs more talented peeps. Don’t waste what you have learned in school here to be a domestic helper elsewhere! But sigh, we can’t compete with salary, right? I can understand why she wants to leave, but I wish she gave the Philippines a chance. (Heck I wished that there were more jobs for Filipinos here) Anyway, she was more worried about being denied a passport than getting a job. I told her (of course I don’t know if it was true or not but I told her anyway) that everyone will be given a passport. “No one ever gets denied one,” I said. She was real nice and even offered me a chair while we were all standing up (she managed to pull one up from the cafeteria area! Smart!). The older man in front of her, I called “Tatang” (or Grandpa) coz he already had white hair and no longer looked like a spring chicken πŸ™‚ *teehee* He was ok with “Tatang” anyway πŸ™‚ He said that he was applying again for a passport because he once used an agency (fixer) to get his passport, and after paying so much, he never got the passport because the agency shut down! That was sad! I can’t believe there are agencies out to scam peeps. And Tatang seemed like a real nice fella too. When we got to the first window (they check requirements), we found out that Tatang was already issued 2 previous passports– none of which he ever saw (apparently he had already forgotten he had used 2 fixers) ! It was terrible and I felt so bad for him. But I’m glad now that he is getting this on his own, so there’s no more room for unscrupulous fixers to con him. (For those who are just applying for a passport, beware of these fixers loitering outside the DFA)

The line separated after that– there was the line for new applicants (my two new friends were new applicants), and there was another line for the renewals. Oh boy. I lost my friends 😦 They went ahead and I wished them luck. I was back to square one, so this time, I befriended the lady behind me πŸ™‚ Turned out she is a preschool teacher– she teaches in a school I’m familiar with (ahem, the school is famous for its staggeringly high tuition fee hahaha). We started chatting about the school kids today, and talked about our kids in the process. She is renewing her passport so she can travel for a second time to go to Hong Kong or Vietnam (the school she works at, has annual travel to a neighboring town or country as a perk. She’s been with the school for 8 years. Ok I unashamedly asked her to get me a job there hahahaha!!!) Anyway, for 2 hours, we were just chatting while standing in line. Oh and did I tell you she helped me with my Tagalog? I learned some new hifalutin Tagalog words (yeah!!!) haha. (Confession: I am pretty poor in speaking when it comes to our native tongue, I have to shamefully admit *sob* )

I also ended up talking to the guy behind Pam (the teacher). His name is Oliver and he is a seaman. I’ve never really known a real seaman before so it was a treat for me to finally meet one. I asked all sorts of questions (he said he felt like he was being interrogated by an “imbestigador” *investigator* haha). We three had fun talking– Oliver talked about his job as a seaman for oil tankers (most of the time). He dispelled the myth that seamen get a lot of money. According to him, it’s a lot of sweat, tears, and blood. In fact, in rough seas, almost none of them could eat without throwing up. I can only imagine how hard it must be. Because of the talk we had, I now have even more respect for him and other seamen. Sorry I must share the info I gathered about him and his job here. It’s so very interesting!! Oliver said that the average pay is about US$1,000 to about US$2,000. It’s a lot for a single guy, but he already wants to start a family with his wife, so he was saying that with the weakened dollar, it wasn’t really much money to take home after conversion. Oliver’s passport is full– he has visas from Greece, Turkey, UK, US, Dubai… dang! He said that’s the only “perk” to being a seaman, you get to see the world. At sea, they’d catch fish every so often since they eat frozen food practically all the time. He also detailed an instance when he and his mates caught a large shark (it was dinner!). I asked if there is room for women at sea. Apparently there are a few of them there too. Sea women have it easier with their tasks, however it is the seamen that they need be wary of, since some take a liking to these women and make it hard for them (hello sexual harrassment came to mind). Yikes, afraid!

Anyway, after some 5 or so hours, we finally got to the INSIDE of DFA. Nice big overhead light inside the auditorium πŸ™‚I know, I can’t believe that for 5 hours, we were just OUTSIDE– where the Gym was. I can’t believe how our own country doesn’t even have a decent DFA office. I am actually appalled. And saddened. The whole process of acquiring either a new passport or renewing an old one is a rather daunting experience. You waste a whole day waiting and waiting. The system doesn’t work. Here I am complaining about it, while thousands of Filipinos have no choice but to do what I just did to save a few thousand pesos (fixers cost anywhere from Php 1,500 up). Money is tight and not easy to make. This is what these people are out to get today– it’s not just a Philippine passport, it’s a passport to a better life. I had such an enlightening experience with Pam and Oliver, as well as the other two peeps (new passport applicants). In retrospect, I was glad I went through this whole experience without any shortcuts or help. I would not have known these people whom I met today. I wouldn’t have had a long story to tell about seamen!

What a very interesting day indeed! I was wayyyy past hunger when I got home (I got out of DFA about 6.5 hours after I first got there!). But I had rich stories to share with my DH and kids. One whole day gone, but definitely not one that was wasted! Oh and here’s one of the best parts– I came home with change from my Php 1,000 (Coz I didn’t buy anything to eat hahaha). So now I’m bingeing on chips and noodles πŸ™‚

Hope you all have a safe Halloween and a wonderful break! πŸ™‚ And more importantly, I also hope that you too, were enlightened with my passport renewal story with my newfound friends πŸ™‚ Lastly, here are things you need to know if you plan to do the normal renewal process: bring water, food, umbrella, and a good sense of humor and positive attitude– you can gain new friends πŸ™‚ But if you don’t feel like socializing, bring an ipod and a good book– but pssst, I highly recommend socializing!! πŸ™‚


14 thoughts on “Socialclimbing at the Inno- Bea show and at the DFA. (Text heavy!)

  1. Hello Mrs. T,I have to say, I was impressed that you went thru the process nang walang alalay! the heat, the crowd, the long wait. crap! I have to tell you that here in Vancouver we had a similar problem. people had to wait hours to get their passports kasi the new rule is you can’t cross the border without a passport (dati puede citizenship/birth certificate). so people rushed to get their passports done. daming reklamo dito sa haba ng hintay and after reading your blog, wow, sa Pilipinas nga pala, that’s expected. btw, here some ppl paid $50+ for someone to stand in line for them. can u imagine? btw, I love your blog. thanks to you, I know what a Goyard is (akala ko chocolate!), the diff types of LV and Chanel. I was lost and now am found! HAHAHAHAHA

  2. I loved how you juxtaposed “glitterati” with reality in this post…it was clever, humorous,and heartwarming. (After such an elegant evening, having your passport renewed must have been like “coming back down to earth”, so to speak.) Thank you for portraying people like Pam and Oliver as they really are: warm and real…workers in search of a better life, and not just faceless statistics.

  3. Hi! I read your blog EVERYDAY and you never fail to peak my interest with your writing and knowledge on fashion especially handbags.By the way, I’d like to know is there an O (Oprah) magazine in the Philippines? In one of your pictures you captioned a PJPascual from Oprah Magazine.Also, is Enrique Iglesias’s mom Filipina? She’s STUNNING!Alrighty, hope to hear from you. Have a good week.

  4. Mrs. T, you can also call Air21 for pickup and delivery of passport being renewed. When I renewed mine 2 years ago, the fee was about 2k (including passport renewal fee). Guess convenience does have a price. But agree your experience was invaluable. Maybe in some grand cosmic kind of way, you were meant to be there. Congrats for sticking it out to the end!

  5. Hi hags! (MG and FA)Thanks for the overwhelming response on my experience. I really was blessed in a different way, to have gotten my passport the conventional, no shortcuts way. I was really grateful for the experience, happy that I also stuck it out in the end. The friendship from that experience is something money can’t buy. P.S. Air21 takes 2 weeks 😦 and I didnt wanna pay extra haha. Glad I didn’t do air21 in retrospect!nonajane: There is no O Magazine in Manila. PJ Pascual is the assistant fashion editor of O magazine– yes he is Filipino, and works with Oprah, and is in town πŸ™‚ Isn’t that fab? And yes, Isabel Preysler is Enrique Iglesias’ mom! She’s hot and so is he πŸ˜€

  6. I can relate to your misery. As an OFW, we have to fall in line for hours in POEA just to get a clearance that will be needed when flying back to the country where I was working. And this is even if you were back in Manila for a few days visit, so lots of time wasted. And then you have to have the clearance validated in the aiport right before checking-in. Doesn’t make sense, right? And to top it all, we don’t really understand why we need the clearance in the first place!!! Sometimes it’s also things like these that makes immigration a very tempting option.On another note, we used to be able to have our passports renewed with just a phone call, and dropping off documents at the nearest LBC, but since new passports are “barcoded”, I think a personal appearance is required.

  7. Hi there, this is probably the longest blog you ever posted but it was really interesting. =) I live abroad and reading your blog fills me in on what’s new in Manila. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop. I really enjoy visiting your website. I wish you all the best!

  8. hi mrs t, what time did you get to DFA? i have to renew my passport very soon and am dreading the long lines. =( do you think if i go earlier, it will take me less time? i’m tempted to go for that 1,300php free pickup and delivery. they say you still have to go to DFA, though for fingerprinting i think? but it will only take a few minutes…

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