Rockwell+ New Designer Arm Candies

I’ve had the pleasure of having seen Chanel’s silver reissue up close a few days ago. I’m really liking it, just like I liked its rose gold counterpart. Sigh, don’t you wish we’ve got more moolah to afford everything nice at Chanel? Chanel bags are just soooo soooo hot, hot hot lately *scoff.. and the execs at Chanel know it, hence the jawdropping prices!!*. Ugh I think the Wertheimers are already rich enough. Come on, let the bag loving community afford more of your bags!! *make a bag that costs like the “I’m not a Plastic Bag” by Anya!!!* (Although Coco might not approve haha)

Here’s actually another designer that has caught my eye fairly recently. Pauric Sweeney. I’m really taking a liking to this Leather Shimmer Bag. The handles of the bag are removable. And I like the zipper pockets on the front of the bag too– and ooh that “razor” bag charm! Priced at about £610 and available at Pauric Sweeney is definitely a designer to watch out for (Pauric also has these exotic skin overnight bags… talk about sheer luxe!)

Here’s another bag by Marni. If you liked the balloon bag, then I don’t see why you’ll dislike this bag. It’s got that funky shape, at the same time conservative look (conservative because of the colors). I’m strangely drawn to this bag (I know, how odd since I’m not a huge fan of neutral browns or tans). I like patent (but not vinyl– they’re 2 different things). And well, this is patent. Swinging chic indeed! Available for £700 at

On a food note (I’m sorry, I just HAVE to talk about food!!), I haven’t been to my fave Japanese restaurant, Tsumura, in ages, but I did make time to dine in Rockwell at Kuretake (the sister restaurant of Tsumura) with 2 friends of mine 🙂 Since I am on this no- carb diet (and psst, I cheat by the way haha), I decided to have the Special Sashimi set (good for 2 people), and I ate it all on my own :D. I’m telling you, that thirst for sliced fresh raw fish? Sa-tisss-fied!!! You also must try the aji-tataki (the plate of diced raw fish on the right side). I felt really full, but surprisingly light after the meal. Thank goodness for excellent sashimi! This restaurant (and Tsumura) didn’t just make it to the Asian Wall Street Journal food critic’s list of favorite restaurants by accident. Tsumura and Kuretake have never failed to be consistent with their food quality. I’m glad I managed to come up with a decent sashimi budget again. Spent less than 2k for all that good stuff!! And walked away super happy! 😀 *droooool*

Also, during my brief visit at Rockwell, I was finally also able to pop by Denise and Monique’s bag shop– Matisse! I still remember the day DCV and I discovered their shop at Malugay Street which led to their shop being featured at Metro Magazine. I loved their shop and had wished they were located in a place with better foot traffic. Finally, Matisse is at the mall where it should be 🙂 I bought me a nice passport holder by Ipa- Nima (see the long wallet looking pouches). Matisse carries these whimsical bags by Ipa-Nima as well. Really nice and perfect for those who want to carry that certain sumthin’ sumthin’ special without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. 😉 Go check out their “store” just across Hans Brumann jewelry boutique (the same area where Beauty Bar and Tyler are located).

I’ve got to get some rest. I finally went to see a chiropractor today and I was real surprised to find out I had “dislocated” some bones in my back (and in my neck even!!!) due to that nasty fall a few weeks ago. There is some moderate swelling on my lower back which made sitting down rather uncomfortable (and this was what I was complaining about for a few days now). I’m actually glad I found out now because it could actually get worse, according to the doctor. So now, I have to be “straightened out” literally by the chiropractor in the next few weeks 😦 It’s going to be a very painful process (time consuming and financially painful… *SOB*). And there I thought I was already ok since I was able to walk normally and even climb stairs! I guess there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye (I didn’t see any bad bruising anymore too, but apparently my lower back area is pretty swollen). I was really startled with the findings 😦 Oh dear, my poor culo! 😦 *bawl* (by the way, thanks JL, PT, and EC for recommending the chiropractor)

So hags, stay dry, and be careful with what you step on. And oh yeah, carry your bag well so when you slip *heaven forbid though*, you still get to protect your beautiful arm candy 🙂

P.S. has just been updated. For the record, prices are different from Tresorie prices since they operate independently. I had to explain that to avoid any confusion 🙂


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