Working baghag today + LV Amarante Vernis

The Belgian Press Peeps have arrived to interview Mrs.M, so I am taking a few days off from my other job as shopgirl. Last night though, I was still able to enjoy a bit of bag luxury although I did miss one other event *I regret not going too*– I wasn’t able to pass by Sapato Manila for their grand opening at Archaeology in Rockwell. Girls, if you like good quality shoes without paying ridiculous prices, check out Sapato. I’ve always loved their flats πŸ™‚

I did manage to swim in a little bit of bag luxury by passing by Louis Vuitton around 9pm for their little party *err, not quite little actually*. Their party began at 7pm and I had arrived 2 hours late *muwahaha shame!!*. I saw the new Amarante vernis bags. I like the color too! It works so nicely with the cowhide vachetta leather. My only hope is that this vernis won’t discolor like the others in the past. But I think it won’t since it’s already a dark color to begin with. It looks black, but is actually a nice deep bordeaux color. It’s lovely. I had to stop myself from buying a bedford (like I need a new bag, no?)

Ok peeps, I better get some sleep now. I am actually working “officially” tomorrow so I won’t again be at the shop. Had a long day today that culminated in a nice dinner at Duo in Serendra. Had yummy food– portobello mushroom salad with mesclun greens and foie gras!! SINFUL!! Oh I almost failed to mention that I also had Krispy Kreme donuts afterwards with the Belgian peeps. πŸ˜€ Oh oh oh, one more thing (and I know, I’m bragging again), the cameraman who was working with us today always goes to these Paris fashion shows to cover Belgian fashion (Ann Demeulemeester and Dries Van Noten). How cool is that!?! So next time I go back to Brussels for a visit, they will not take me to see the Mannekin Pis (tourist trap) hahaha. I told them about that little statue (statuette?) wearing all these different outfits and they laughed. Ok, so I do have the word “Tourist” spelled across my forehead without me knowing after all *muwahaha*. This time around, if we do go to Belgium, no more tourist traps πŸ˜€ I’m going to raid all fashion houses *muwahaha even worse I think!*

Ok baghags, I’m off to sleep now because I have a 9:00 am “call time” for work tomorrow πŸ™‚ It’s a Saturday!! But it’s ok. I think I’ll be having mucho funnnnnn πŸ˜€ More stories about the work soonest!! *Promise!!*

P.S. Thank you so much to Ms.B (BL) for sending over 2 boxfuls of Puff Mommy Creampuffs. It was sooo good and yummy!! We love it, love it, love it! Thank you soooo much!! See you soon πŸ™‚

P.P.S. To DC, thank you, Goyardgirl, for my birthday pressie! Also thanks super mucho to big boss PTR for my new bag πŸ˜€ *will post that photo soon!*. RCV of D!Luxe, I will open your pressie on Sunday πŸ™‚ THANK YOU again to all of you, you are all really too thoughtful! *heart* (Gawd I’m beginning to be that big freeloading mama that I’ve always dreaded haha)

P.P.P.S. I heard BB went to Tresorie today. Too bad this baghag missed his presence. Thanks for coming, BB πŸ™‚ Also, thanks to Ms.SQ for popping by. Wish I was there so we could trade more funky *ahem* stories (about bags haha)

P.P.P.P.S. ONE MORE DAY and Mrs.T turns a year older! TODAY, THIS BLOG IS A YEAR OLDER TOO πŸ™‚ *Happy Birthday to thebaghag blog!!!* And tomorrow, June 17, I shall reveal my First Name. You all know me as Mrs.T, but you will soon know me and be able to call me by my name πŸ™‚ *woohoo biiiig deal hahaha*

11 thoughts on “Working baghag today + LV Amarante Vernis

  1. Hey Mrs. T! Have a great birthday and may it be filled with love, laughs and lots of bags! Many, many more blissful years to you. Thanks for always making us smile through your blog!ML

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