A night at Bellini’s and then some :D

Holy Crap, I have not really seen any daylight for quite some time now. It’s funny how being a shopgirl sorta screws up your concept of time *It’s like being in a friggin’ casino– notice how there are no “windows” or clocks in casinos???* (Muwahaha am I already revealing too much? Haha compulsive gambling baghag!! haha pssst I’d rather spend my money on bags, spank yew! :D). So that’s how it has been for the past few days, but I’m actually so happy because I have already met so many of the blog lurkers πŸ˜€

Yesterday thought, Big boss PatrickPaez, together with the ABC Channel 5 peeps came by to see us. The shop is gonna be featured! *screams with delight* (pardon my shallowness but you know, it really takes so little to get me all excited hehe). And to further excite this baghag, DaphP came by as well, and VA VA VOOM check out her bag!!!!!!Goyard Jeanne MM with green-purple-green stripes. *melts* I am SOOOOO in love with the combination, I really wish I had my fidji done in that color!! *Call me stupid, but I never even knew they had purple paint til the manager accidentally showed me his white Goyard agenda book which had a nice big purple Goyard logo*. DaphP: your bag’s a winner!! πŸ™‚

So wait, did you guys notice I haven’t really had any social event lately (hello hello zero social diary !! what happened to the big socialclimbing baghag?!?! *Hmph I guess people finally got wind of my social climbing ways and now refuse to invite me… BIG SOB!!*)?? Even I’m beginning to suspect now why I am not going to any parties lately *muwahaha*. Ok actually I was supposed to Fiamma for the Ateneo Arts Awards cocktail party to say hi to mega interior designer MiguelRosales, but since I had to “close shop”, I was unable to do it 😦 *awww*. But again the Friday didn’t end up half bad because DH and I were also still able to make it to the dinner party of an old friend CS who is celebrating her birthday! πŸ™‚ Happy Birthday Cat!!

We had our dinner at Bellini’s at Cubao (Bellini’s is run by an Italian paparazzo Roberto Bellini). It’s wayyyy inside the Marikina Shoe expo in Cubao behind the old Rustan’s (very close to Ali Mall). We actually thought we were already lost because it was soooo dark in Marikina Shoe Expo. But cha-ching cha-ching! There it was, Bellini’s! πŸ™‚
And this was my dinner group πŸ™‚ Celebrated florist Jun Hen also came to CS’ party and had brought with him something that he cooked prior to coming to the party. Of course this baghag who is *always* hungry, had to taste Jun’s already-famous cooking (he loves cooking for friends and family). He cooked “curacha” (I thought it was cockroach hahaha DUH.. Ok so it was crab– something like crab). I ended up pairing it with the pasta that we ordered at Bellinis. Ok first off, compliments to the chef at Bellini’s. The truffle risotto which I had was excellent. I also had some kinda pasta (DH ordered it) with ham which was excellent. Then of course I have to compliment Jun’s cooking. The curacha was excellent!

The overall dinner went pretty well. I was wayy too pooop pooop poooped for after dinner coffee, so I just had to go home. And of course I ended up playing with the DKs (who just have too much energy!!!) πŸ˜€

So now I’m back at the shop (shopgirl galore) because my partners brought in new things! See, this is what I really dislike about them (muwahaha here comes the biatching, griping Mrs.T again)– they never even bother to show me the new stuff they have! I just always am the last to find out– I only find out these new things when I walk around the shop and start browsing around! Note to EAI and DCV: Heyyy I’m your friggin’ client too! Better let me have first dibs!! *biatch gripe gripe haha*

See here’s my latest finds. I’m such an insect lover *ok let me clarify– I want FAUX insects, not real thank you.* My room is already infested with live insects (muwahaha my house is my pigsty). I’d rather wear them *faux ones please* than whack them hahaha).

Hey Victoire de Castellane, although I loooove your joallerie,you’d hafta eat your bugs out– coz D! Luxe has the bigger “bug” πŸ™‚ And then some baby ones too! The large bug costs Php 2,950. The baby ones are Php 1,850 each. Soooo bliiiiiiing!! πŸ˜€

And my obsession du jour is: Aqua cummerbund with a D! Luxe brooch (Php 1,850). And my very, very versatile Ilaya Couture shirt. (TinaN, please make other colors!!!). Oh crap speaking of shirts, I need to go to Religioso since they already have chic pique (honeycomb) shirts that I’ve been dying to have since I saw Yvette wearing it. If you are reading this, YvetteR, please please save a few for me. PLEASE!!!

P.S. Happy Birthday SharT‘s Mom, TitaJ !! And happy birthday to my doggie “LV“!

Good Earth’s ML: I looooove your restaurant (duck taquitos!!!)

My fellow mommy LL and her DH RL, thank you, thank you, thank you for this awesome pair of Pumas. Thebaghag freeloads once again! *evil grin ;D* I have been dying to get a new pair of Pumas since my last HK trip, and all the styles I wanted were for men!!! *Ugh* And you have fulfilled that “need” of mine– finally one that fits me. THANK YOU for the beautiful pair!!

P.P.P.P.S. Ok, so here’s a confession: I’m so not an artsy fartsy kinda gal, but this particular piece really got me all interested in art. This “sculpture” by Michael Cacnio is just driving me insane! I really want this even though I know my house is really a pigsty and has no place for such a beautiful work of art. But Oh My Gawd, I am soooo in love with it…. I wonder if I’ll ever have a fairy godmother who can buy this. It’s Php 120,000! *faints*. And it’s available at my neighbor’s place *hehe my shop neighbor* Choice Expression Gallery (2nd flr DoΓ±a Consolacion Bldg 122 Jupiter Street Belair Makati).

P.P.P.P.P.S. Last but not least, The Imelda Collection will have another one of their famous tea parties at Pacific Plaza Lounge at Ayala Avenue, Makati on May 30, Wednesday from 2pm to 6pm. Everyone is invited!!! πŸ™‚

Gotta run along, friends are here πŸ™‚


6 thoughts on “A night at Bellini’s and then some :D

  1. Hi Mrs. T! Just have to say that your fashion sense is great too! The past few outfits you’ve been wearing are super cute! πŸ™‚ Don’t complain about being a fashion victim because you’re not haha!

  2. hey mrs. t. congrats on your store. i am so proud of you that you finally made it happen. of course, will reserve shirts for you. can’t wait to drop by your store.-yri

  3. omg mrs.t!!i loved hanging out with you guys…i promise when i get back i’ll stop by once again =) oh yeah i forgot to tell you i went religioso before i dropped by the store and bought gifts for my friends…thanks again for telling me to go there =) see you when i get back!!

  4. slightly tangential: how is bellini’s? the family that owns that restaurant now lives in our old home in marikina, and besides the videos that the oldest daughter posts on youtube, i know nothing about them or the restaurant. maybe i’ll check the restaurant out (and the old home) when we visit manila next year.

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