Socialclimbing BagHag at the Malacanang Palace + Mother’s Day Surprise

Wheeee what a fun, fun weekend it has been for this baghag. Saturday was spent socialclimbing once again. Yes, I’ve been living a quiet *but insane* life the past few weeks because I felt real icky *cough… fat*, so I figured the best way to avoid being criticized (for gaining those unsightly flabs *muffin top*) was to stay away from parties and events. But even this socialclimbing baghag couldn’t resist the invitation to party at the Malacanang Palace. *whistle whistle… brag brag hehe oh dear… Braggart baghag strikes again!* Ok, you wonder how on earth could this baghag get invited to a party at the Palace? Confession: Actually, thebaghag was NOT invited. It’s thebaghag’s kids who got invited *muwahaha*. I just went along for the ride *screams… Socialclimber!!!*

It was the 2nd birthday party of Monique Montenegro- Arroyo. My DKs enjoyed the party, but I think in the end, it was DH and I who had the most fun of them all, because we got to eat all the sinfully sweet confections we wanted– the sweets which were all prepared by the Malacanang Palace Kitchen Gods (pictured here) πŸ˜€
The chocolate fountain, along with all those little pastries and yummy mousse and puddings… Ugh it was just sweets heaven. There were a plethora of food choices: from sharwarma, Mongolian barbeque and rice plates, to pasta– puttanesca, bolognese, and carbonara. It was such a fun party and made me wish I was a kid again… Oh how sweet it is to be made happy by a mere stick of cotton candy (instead of uber expensive bags haha).

There were also these inflatable giant slides as well as a bouncy castle for the kids to enjoy (ahem, even the adults were seen sliding down that slide… well I didn’t do it. I was too chickenpoop to climb up and do it hahaha)

Halfway through the programme, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and First Gentleman Mike Arroyo walked in on the party, carrying a big present for little Monique. It was really sweet to see the President take the time to be “grandma”. FG was looking good after his surgery. Here they are with Monique’s dad Cong. Mikey Arroyo, and the First Family– with Barney and Friends πŸ™‚ *too cute!!!*
Here’s another shot of the svelte Angela and her two lovely daughters Monique and Mika. πŸ™‚ Of course my kids and the other kids all went wild for the Barney theme (well I only like the color of that dinosaur, if you ask me… and don’t even try to ask me to hum the songs…. *muwahaha… no thanks*) And funny I had to mention that I only like Barney’s color, I was carrying my purple YSL double bag πŸ˜€ *hahahaha in keeping with the party’s color theme hahaha*

At the party was BeaLucero-Lhuillier, who had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl two months ago. Funny I never thought I’d ever meet BL— if you must know, she was a childhood “idol” of mine *hehe I’m a frustrated gymnast… among other things hahaha*. Actually I met BL about half a year earlier through my DB, because BL’s DH and my DB went to college together in SF… hmm actually that makes us all fellow alumni (I went to the same college too, only eons later hahaha… *joke, didn’t mean to make my DB sound THAT old :D). BL and I talked quite a bit about bags while our kids joined the games πŸ˜€ *boy this socialclimbing baghag did some elbow rubbing eh? Hehehe*

Anyway, all kids ended up taking home these Barney lootbackpacks– these bags, mind you, are already just as good as Vuitton bags to the lucky little tykes πŸ˜€ They were only too happy to take them home!

Meanwhile, it’s another happy memory with the little ‘uns at the Palace for this baghag.
As for today, we celebrated Mothers’ Day together with my DM at my DB’s house, since my DSIL is currently not allowed to go out (bed rest due to her delicate pregnancy). The afternoon was spent at the Rockwell Urban Bazaar with my friend EAI, who was chic in her purple shirt and shorts. My silly friend decided to gift me with a pair of purple *hehe can you already tell, it’s a favorite color of mine? hehe* ballet flats from Schu. Funny thing was, DH and I happened to swing by Schu last Friday, and RubyG had to tell me the “surprise” that EAI had for me. πŸ˜€ Thank you so much EAI, I love my Mother’s Day pressie! *love love love*!

Now, for the BIG surprise:

Mrs.T, thebaghag, will be opening shop! Yes, TRESOR will finally have a store, along with two other brands, D! *yes, D! of DiVa bangle fame!*, and Tinsley, a new clothing brand by my friend EAI (if you are into those jersey shirt dresses, then Tinsley’s got them πŸ˜€ *woohoo!!!) This is THE project I’ve been working on. We three– D!, EAI, and I have collaborated and decided to put all our “wares” into one shop. And the shop location will be disclosed in the next few days, as we prepare to put all the finishing touches of the store *please bear with us! It’s not ready yet so we can’t really tell you where it is until we get our act together haha*. It’s really an exciting time for us three, and we do hope that you can all come and visit us there when we open πŸ™‚ Baghags, Clotheshags, and Accessoryhags all welcome!!!

That’s all for now. HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY to all the Moms and Moms of Baghags out there πŸ™‚
Hope you all had a good one!


6 thoughts on “Socialclimbing BagHag at the Malacanang Palace + Mother’s Day Surprise

  1. ei der! you mean there will be no more tresormakati on site? congratulations! cant wait to see the store. ive a feeling i know where you will be :)kudos!sarah

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