D! and thebaghag in HK (Part deux)

I liken the feeling of being surrounded by jewels and bling to being surrounded by exotic Hermes birkins and eating excellent food (without getting a full stomach!). Heaaaaavennnnn!!

So, we attended the three- day jewellery convention. I’m tellin’ ya, it was just heaven! Sorry about the lack of photos but we really honestly did not want to be ushered out of the halls (I do have “shame” after all haha). But every chance I get, I’d whip out le camera to take photos– take instance, this 30 something carat fancy yellow diamond ring. I cannot not take a photo. I would’ve wanted to try it on my finger too, but I feared that I wouldn’t wanna take it out anymore and D! will have to chop off my finger just to get it out *Ouch that’ll hurt haha*. That rock’s something like $600,000 (or perhaps more- sorry I was so blinded by the bling that the digits just didn’t stick to my head). I guess I’ll never be able to have that Elizabeth Taylor moment… teehee wearing the rock like it’s just a teeny tiny thingie on the finger. *Bawl!! I wanna be a tai tai for a week sooo bad hahahaha*

I fell in love with an emerald sugarloaf cabochon ring, asked to try it on, but fell out of love immediately after the woman told me the price– it was US$20,000! No thanks, unless my two kids are homeschooled til college (me being the teacher), I don’t think my DH or I will ever afford something in that amount. But dang it felt so good and so right on my finger *muwahahaha everything expensive feels sooo right hahahahaha*

There was a hall full of pearls– tons of pearls were being packed up in plastic bags! OK, Greenhills has officially nothing on these exhibitors. There were pearls being sold by the metre too! Now, I’ve never heard of that before 🙂

Then there were loads and loads of beads. Something that I used to string, but no longer, thank you. These beaded jewelry are just sooo all over the place. The novelty is gooone.

After a whole day of hanging out at the convention, we even saw BeaValdes (too bad I don’t know her personally), who looked tres tres chic. Speaking of BeaV, here is are the bags that she created, being sold at Harvey Nichols. I was also tempted to buy one (but then I couldn’t fork over the moolah for it– and no one was willing to sponsor me! *Bawl*).

We walked over to Louis Vuitton and found that the Epi leather in Ivory was just launched. I was bowled over. I loved color so much! I even contemplated on buying an ivory epi alma (or even that soufflot)!! But see, you gotta have faith in this ol’ baghag. I have self-control. I walked away with neither bags! *woohoo proud of me yet????* (By the way, the price difference on these bags in HK and in Manila, isn’t too much- you should get it in Manila– hehe support our own economy!!)

We passed by H&M again, and holy Lawrd, the line is STILL looong! Darnit, I can’t believe everyone can’t get enough of H&M ! *Boy am I full of it or what, just cause we got in H&M and bought what we wanted already hahaha…. tsk tsk I’m a snoot aren’t I? hehee*

We got hungry somewhere along our travels, and stopped over to buy Mango Pudding and Milk Tart. Milk tart was my choice (I looove milk tarts and milk puddings). This was really soooo good, for HK$5 (approx Php 35). I wish someone here in Manila would put up a little eatery that makes these. I know Lord Stow’s makes egg tarts, but me want Milk tart!

Oh I have to post this photo– I forgot to do it yesterday. Anyway this photo was taken from one of the malls at Causeway Bay. This photo is dedicated to our lurking grammar sadist *muwahaha*. Read the words on that “bag”. And tell me what you see is wrong 🙂 Can you please do the copywriting for this mall? *teehee… dang I should’ve offered my services hahaha… right.. as if I have mastered the English language!*

And we saw this bag at Benetton, Causeway Bay as well. Wheee, Benetton’s version of the Steamer. I don’t quite understand it. I actually would have found it hard to carry this bag for travel. Has anyone really used a steamer for travel? And if any baghag out there has, please share your experience with the bag– i.e. is it heavy, etc? I would really love to know!

Before we knew it, it was already dinnertime! It was my turn to pick the restaurant for dinner, and I chose to take DinaV to Victoria Peak (hehe we played tourists!). We had dinner at Cafe Deco, famous as a restaurant for its spectacular vantage point as well as for its food. It was really foggy that night so we weren’t able to enjoy much of the view. *We had a better view from our hotel room hahaha brag brag*

I ordered 2 kinds of oysters– Rockefeller and Kirkpatrick. I preferred the Rockefeller since it had spinach– actually I was hoping for some raw oysters, but ordered wrong. The Kirkpatrick was excellent too, if you are into bacon.

An order as well of the Cafe Deco sushi roll *Super yummy!*

Then D! ordered the seabass (which was actually quite excellent– it was very close in taste to the one we had in Turkey, and it doesn’t taste anything like the usual smooth filleted sea bass that we normally have in restaurants) while I ordered the red curry duck.We also ordered the almond and coconut naan (sorry not photographed– ate it all haha). It was very good with the yogurt dip.

After dinner (which was already about 11pm), we decided it was time to head back “home”. I think we were both real pooped from all that walking. That convention was really something else. And dinner was really great. It was the perfect topper for another great day.

More tomorrow– including photos of street food (hehe you’ll never look at me the same way again after you find out what kinda stuff I like to eat!). Here’s what I figured out so far. Our trip really just consisted of eye candy and FOOOOOOD!!! Did you get that feeling as well? Sorry baghags if I disappointed you, but this much I can tell you as of HK post #2 — I’m sooo loving the Louis Vuitton ivory epi alma!!

P.S. Happy Birthday to my DH who turned a year older yesterday 😀 Teehee and Belated Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all!!


4 thoughts on “D! and thebaghag in HK (Part deux)

  1. Man! You just had to post food photos and make me hungry =) My husband reads your blog now too because of food posts. Me of course cause of bags. Question? If you eat so much food where does it all go?? Do you work out???-rts

  2. I just wonder where Paris/Milan/France/Italy Station get their loot of rare LV bags. I’ve seen them last week also in HK. I remember those streetfoods in CWB …my sister and I survived eating them for lunch and dinner coz there’s so many places to see and shop… so little time… not too mention so short on cash.

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