Thebaghag and D! in Hong Kong!

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Hong Kong was still cold this time of the year. (photo taken from our hotel room– nice eh? Too bad we couldn’t see Victoria Harbour because of the fog though). I remember it was already quite warm in March, but I was wrong– and in a way I am glad I was wrong. I was frankly quite sick of the warm weather in Manila– don’t get me wrong, but I need to be in a colder climate (although that ain’t exactly working out for my asthma). I was with my friend DinaV aka D! for the duration of the trip. We had sooo much fun and I just couldn’t stress that enough. I found so many things in common with D! and I was just really glad that we were able to travel together. Our main purpose was of course to attend the jewelry convention. But it turned out to be a food/ bag/jewelry ogling trip as well.

While we were in HK, Clothing giant Hennes and Mauritz (H&M) was also opening, so we were proud to say we were able to inch our way into the store sans the queuing crowd. Don’t ask how *I’d like to lead you to believe we were treated like VIPs muwahahaha… kidddding*. But here’s how the company got all of HK into H&M hyper drive (leading many to sleep on the pavement overnight just to get a whiff of the Madonna for H&M line).
There’s the public transport system– MTR, rows and rows were lined with pennants of H&M. H&M tvs featuring Madonna walking up and down a catwalk in her designs. And below it, an H&M Loves Hong Kong sign– in bright bordello red πŸ˜€ And then Pedder Street exit in Central, was paved in red like the Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard of Oz.
If you still don’t get swayed into checking out H&M with that ad campaign, how about the full blast of H&M music on the exits of the MTR at Central? Come on, even you’d wanna go take a peek right? With all that advertising and media hype, it’s really hard to ignore H&M.

Anyway, after passing by all those H&M banners and the whole shebang, we passed by Harvey Nichols. Lookie how they’re promoting Goyard πŸ™‚ Goyard also recently opened a new boutique in Seoul, Korea. Incidentally here’s an article that my friend EAI forwarded to me– it’s a must-read for those who still don’t know Goyard! Read the story HERE (click on the link “HERE”). In the Landmark building, we also checked out Jimmy Choo among other stores.

We then went to Causeway Bay for dinner. D! has been raving about Tai Ping Koon (TPK), this restaurant located off Percival St.– close to VIP station (2nd hand bag reseller store).

D! ordered for us– we had the TPK rice noodles with beef in Swiss Sauce (whatever this sauce is made of, I can tell you that this is SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!)

TPK style Roasted Pigeon (oh My GAWD, I wanted to have another order of this dish!!!!)

And we also ordered the beef brisket curry (which was just wayyyy good with rice!!). There was another table that ordered dessert– I think it’s souffle. Doesn’t matter (check out the lady doing the “dig in” hand signal haha). It smelled heavenly and it was HUGE! We ruled out ordering that because we were just wayy too stuffed *think gluttons*.

Ooh and check out this cute diner– she was eating the pigeons with so much gusto! *Im like a stalker, taking photos of another diner without her knowing hehehe sorrrryyyy but she’s too cute!!* And what I like best about her? She looked like Little LuLu!!! πŸ™‚

But mind you, having dinner at this place was definitely one of the highlights of our trip. And to think I was a HK kinda gal and I didn’t know about this place! Shame on me! Thank you DinaV for the excellent dining experience πŸ™‚

We walked around Causeway Bay after dinner (to walk off those pounds we just gained from that binge haha). France Station, I must say, has the best eye candy of a window display. Did I find anything interesting? Not really– for one, they still aren’t carrying the Hermes Lindy πŸ˜€ M

Anyway, the night had to end early because we were ready for the jewelry convention the next day. Here’s a little bit of a disappointment though– no photos of the convention itself. We didn’t wanna be ushered out of the halls when they catch us with our cameras *muwahaha yes, I actually had to be obedient and be on self- restraint from whipping out my camera!!*

Time to get some rest! I’ll blog again on Saturday πŸ™‚ Have loads of stuff to take care of tomorrow!


6 thoughts on “Thebaghag and D! in Hong Kong!

  1. hi mrs t! welcome back! πŸ™‚ is it expensive in TPK? roughly how much is it per person? also, were you able to see any azurs at the LV boutiques? πŸ™‚ glad to hear you had so much fun! oh and was it raining? sorry for the barrage pof questions! im leaving for hk next week. πŸ™‚

  2. mrs t..i would like to ask if it’s safe to buy the fendi spy from bluefly.comi heard many experienced buying non authentic goods.

  3. Darnit! I knew Little Lulu was a celeb once! She looked too cute not to be a celeb :DCC: it was cold in hk when we were there but i hear its now hot humid and rainy. TPK is not so expensive, its average priced, i think about HK$300 for 2 people. It’s really worth it!! No azur speedy bags at the boutique.min: ive never heard of anyone getting a spy bag at bluefly. The designer bags I’ve seen there were pretty authentic, but if I were you, I’d just get the Spy at or eluxury.nina: yes they’re authentic but that mirror speedy was about US$2,800. anonymous: yes they’re authentic. I wouldnt be featuring them if they weren’t πŸ˜€ *dunwanna get pelted with rocks!!*

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