Thebaghag is SICK… again!

*Silent screaaaaam* I lost my voice! It’s this laryngitis/reflux/allergy thing again 😦 I was itching to eat sweets yesterday (hello AG and HT’s caramel apples and cakes!) but I held it off, hoping the throat problem I had would go away. Whaddayaknow, it got worse today and now, no sweets or cold stuff allowed! 😦

So I checked on the net for remedies, right? But well sorry I ended up checking on bags *haha duh as expected!*

Sissi Rossi has this bugatti shaped bag which used to cost $339.99 and is now reduced to just $113.50 (cheap!!). Since my brains are sorta fried from all that medicine I am taking, I accidentally closed the window with this bag and now I can’t seem to remember where I took this bag from 😀 *hellllp!!!*

Ok so forget that then. I just feel so ill today. I want to crawl to bed and stay there the whole day and pretend that I have the luxury to do that, but no, I must get up and go. So whoever runs into me, please don’t ask me to talk or else I’ll croak and turn into a very ugly, stinky toad 😀

Here’s one for the road. MS’ new orange Hermes Kelly. It’s a beauty!! Congratulations, girl!!

Baghags, but you gotta do your part and do the buying too! Don’t forget I only intend to buy 4 bags this year and I’ve already gotten one *Bottega*! (Oh Gawd there are 11 more months!!) Send me photos of your new bags so that I can brag on your behalf! *You know I want to do that don’t ya? :D* Send your new bag photos to


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