Downtown Baghag + Confessions of a binge eater!

Oh my Gawd, I must post photos of the food we ate last night. My whole family unit binged at Todai like there was no tomorrow. We felt like we had not eaten food in eons. Check out all the food I picked up on my plate!! SHAME SHAME!!

And for everyone else, there was rock lobster, and also oysters. The sickening part is not that we binged, but that we finished everything. Sigh. The next time you see me in Manila, please please don’t tell me I gained weight. That would be this year’s biggest understatement *guffaw*. Today, it sucks to be in the 30s because metabolism just stops– completely. *Bawl I revealed my age! haha*

As of this morning, my weight gain for the entirety of the vacation summed up to 9 lbs. Reality really hit me like a brick wall this morning. I wore my gray mohair pullover and shrieked, saying it shrunk. I walked around the house complaining that my pullover had shrunk. Only to realize it did NOT shrink. I grew– wider!!! *BAWL!!!*

Anyway, to make me feel better, today we went downtown again. I went to Goyard to visit the peeps, but alas, both my regular SAs were not there. But yay, Mr.K was there, who gladly answered my questions regarding the new prices and some other things. My blue Jeanne GM is still not around. So I guess I am not leaving SF with a Goyard this trip. There were a few colorful Saigons there though. For a while there, I got tempted. But I remembered my New Year’s Resolution *surprise surprise haha*, so I walked out of Goyard without a new bag for myself. *Sigh*

Next stop was Hermes. I went to see the newest color, Rose Shocking. Talk about it being neon pink! The color outdid my fuchsia kelly, and it is just… shocking πŸ™‚ It’s really cute, but I think I am ok with fuchsia for now *ahem, hello broke hag…* (Sorry couldn’t take photo at Hermes! I’m not VIP there *sniff*)

Ooh Oooh did I tell you hags that Barneys New York is opening a store in San Francisco, adjacent to Macy’s? πŸ™‚ That got me excited!!

There’s a whole wall of Marc Jacobs bags in the MJ store…

So anyway we crossed Market Street to visit Nordstrom‘s as well as Bloomingdales.
The last time we were at Bloomies, we were unable to walk around since we ended up well, EATING. This time, I was able to appreciate the architecture and design of the new wing of the mall. It’s very pretty with that glass dome and all those tivoli lights twinkling from “above”.

Here are more shots of the beautiful place. I was just staring at the place for a good five minutes (I know, I know, precious shopping time wasted hehe).
There’s a Furla boutique in this wing. The bags are interesting, but none to my liking.

Check out this graphic tee! I would’ve bought it *Cough.. Materialistic baghag hahaha!!!!*if there were one in my size– darnit I’m now a LARGE!

There were YSL Flapper totes– the white one is gorgeous. There is actually an ostrich version of this bag, as seen on Katie Holmes- Cruise when she carried it with Suri. It was very pretty!!

Apres downtown, we all headed for dinner at Broadway Prime. Talk about adding more cholesterol to my diet.. *sigh I feel the blubber around my waist… muffin top!!*

I ordered the larger steak– an 11 ounce prime rib *And I’m so embarrassed to admit that I finished it ALL!!!*

Our family friend ordered the vegetarian dish– grilled portobello mushroom with creamed spinach (I started feeling bad right after I heard her order the mushroom because I should be eating healthy already!!!).

But I’m sorry, a steak this good does not deserve to be missed!! Even Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo came to Broadway Prime for the beef. So, I wolfed it all down. Including two popover breads, a side of creamed spinach, and a side of creamed corn. Ate EVERYTHING.

*BURP* I need sleep now. The blood is all going down to my stomach haha. I need sleep. I’ve been sleeping with the kids for the last two weeks and we all know what that could be like *fun but aaaaargh hardly any night of uninterrupted sleep!!* πŸ˜€ So in place of sleep, I’ve been eating and eating. When I get back to Manila, it’s time for that starvation diet again. Meanwhile I should stop binge eating and just start binge window shopping πŸ™‚


4 thoughts on “Downtown Baghag + Confessions of a binge eater!

  1. hi mrs. t! sorry to bug but you didn’t answer my questions in the other entry with the pic of the dooney and bourke bag. hope to hear from you soon! because from one bag hag to another i’ve been tossing and turning over that chanel bag you posted! happy new year!

  2. speaking of goyard..i just got my 1st.. it’s a jeanne pm.. but,i dont know if i really like it.. i didnt really thought of imagining the measurements. its soooooo small.. from a pro like u, what do u suggest? keep it or try to sell it??

  3. Hi Mrs. T I have a YSL muse in denim like the one below the white YSL Flapper Tote in your entry… I was wonderin how you could clean it as it really accumulates dirt fast… Especially beacause we’re in a 3rd world country. πŸ™‚ Hope you could help…Thanks! AIM

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