The Feature on My Newspaper Column Today…

I’d be lying if I told you seeing my Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper column take the front page of the Lifestyle Section does not make me happy– because it makes me very, very, very happy 🙂 *beams*
Click HERE to read the digital edition of my column

Anyway, just a quick note to mention that the gorgeous aqua bag featured third from the bottom of the page is a Tod’s D bag in snakeskin. It was not correctly labeled on the paper and I felt the need to mention it here 🙂
A closer look at the said bag:
 I got to touch and feel this bag up close. It was really a “WOW” bag. And oh Lawrd, I want it! BAD! *Lol there goes my love affair with blue bags… although this is technically not really blue- blue :D*
In 2012, if there was one bag you should save up for, it’s really the Tod’s D Bag. And *dreamy look*, if you have a good budget for an exotic skin one, make this lagoon/ turquoise/ aqua Tod’s D bag in snakeskin THE bag!

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