A Time to Reflect… Merry Christmas!!

It’s 12 midnight, December 25, 2011! Merry Christmas!!! Tonight I take the time to be grateful… for my kids and my husband (who’ve been so patient, tireless, and understanding), my family (who’ve always been so supportive of me in everything I do), for my friends and loved ones (whose relationships I treasure so much), for my work (and all the opportunities I’ve been given), for this blog (especially for the readers who’ve never gotten tired of this writer’s shallowness :D), and most of all, for my life.
It’s a nice time to be quiet for a few moments to reflect on this year’s events and happenings, and to be grateful for everything. Everything– the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly. For it is in those experiences that our lives have become more enriched, have evolved, developed, and improved πŸ™‚
My 8 year old shot this photo πŸ™‚ Love it & thought I should post it. It’ll make my little budding photographer proud & happy πŸ™‚
MERRY CHRISTMAS from Singapore, everyone!!!!  πŸ™‚

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