Things That Relax Me

I was cooped up at home (both Stateside and Manila) for over a 2 week period because of this upper respiratory tract infection– and it was actually pretty bad.  Things have gotten so much better in the last 2 days so I was finally out and about (went to Salcedo Market with my mom), but I can still sense I’m not in 100% tip top shape yet. I have not regained my appetite yet, but my weight gain of 10 lbs over the holidays is working itself out overtime now, so I have no complaints haha.  And oh here– tell me if this is a telling sign or what: I ran into my bikram instructor at Salcedo Market and well, I fessed up to not having gone because I got lazy, and then well, I got sick! But resolutions must be kept this year, so I intend to go back. Besides, it’s summer in a few months and we all know that bikram is my summer activity of choice (as opposed to swimming for my kids hahaha– I’m so stupid to sweat it out rather than cool down hahaha)

Anyway, part of my “cleaning up” and reorganization includes editing photos off my iPhoto.  And I got carried away staring at the good photos that I decided to post  some of them here *it’ll be done by themes soon actually haha… I have a hard time letting go of even digital photos!! So you can understand what kind of a clutter monster I can be in real life!* before saying goodbye to them forever (to the bin they go after getting posted here).

So here are some photos that realllly made me wish I can gain my appetite back!

From Serena at Little Tokyo. It’s sooo yummy!

HK street food. Simply the best. “Eat at your own risk”  🙂

Fried intestines– so good with mustard!
*Suddenly I hear my stomach growling!*

I think I just need serious visual stimulation to gain my appetite back 🙂  I wouldn’t have minded heading to HK for those fried intestines hehehe. Unfortunately I am also banned from traveling this whole month– my doctor told me to stay away from flying for now because I can get “exposed” to more elements. I’m so prone to upper respiratory tract infections and the only way to get better is  to avoid busy places for now. *Sigh, frustrating. And I already started getting invites to shows for Paris Couture Week (!!!!!)*

But more than work- related travel, how I wish I could just get away for a weekend to go to the beach. I’m thinking Cebu so I can have the famous Cebu lechon hehehe…
The Beach!!

But then there’s also Amanpulo. I love the seclusion of this beach, away from civilization! It’s so serene *dreams*. And by far the most amazing beach ever. You can actually own a private villa here– if I’m not mistaken, the price tag is about US$6,000,000 *cha ching cha ching!*

*Sigh*  I just can’t tell you how anxious I am to go out again and take a serious vacation where stress is not a factor.  I love the fact that I got to spend a lot of time with my family over the holidays, but my vacation was really cut short because of this illness which just really took so much out of me. I hope I can manage to squeeze in some serious R&R (no internet, no phone, yes, total technological blackout). 

How about you peeps? Where do you go/ what do you do to unwind?


Mrs. T

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