I shall look back on 2010 fondly because…

Wait. Before I answer, I’d love it if you peeps can give me feedback on what you think of the blog’s new appearance. As you know, I am left with nothing to do but rest in bed since I’m still recuperating from this nasty upper respiratory tract infection. I got bored resting haha *I’m getting bed sores from lying down too much hahaha*. And since it’s already 2011, I gave the blog a new look πŸ™‚ *I’m proud because while it took me awhile to finish, I managed to update everything on my own without the assistance of our business web guy :D*

Now, the answer to this post: let the photos *more like a brag album lol! Sorry no intention of bragging, promise!* give you the answer πŸ™‚ These photos are all from my private album which I am sharing on my blog– this is a first because you have hardly ever seen my photos on my blog without either my head cut off, or covered by a heart! And these photos below show my face *hides :D*)  I just want them here because again, I want to  remember and look back on 2010 fondly when I see these photos *which are chosen from over 3,000 others taken in 2010* πŸ™‚ I’d like to warn you though, there are a lot of photos of me here– they might overwhelm, but please indulge me. I rarely ever do this πŸ˜€ *so please grin and bear, people! hehehe*

In no particular order, here are the people/ events/ things that made my 2010 phenomenal and memorable:
Bagging a NOKIA ad!
Meeting the very respected Diane Pernet of A Shaded View on Fashion 
Being invited by my family to holiday in Russia, Singapore, London, San Francisco, Las Vegas

Front Row on Vivienne Westwood. I really felt like “hot sh*t” LOL
Having tea in Paris with editor and renowned author behind the book, “Deluxe, How Luxury Lost its Luster”, Dana Thomas
Vogue Italia featured my outfit πŸ™‚ It’s not a feature with my face *lol*, but I’m still proud of it πŸ™‚ Hot sh*t feeling! πŸ˜‰

Meeting and getting photographed by Bill Cunningham. He’s a legend!

Seeing Alexa Chung in the flesh (and then sitting next to her table at a party hosted by Bryan at Regine’s)
Meeting Wendy of Nitrolicious.com and hanging out in New York
Bryanboy introducing me to his good friend Anna dello Russo of Vogue Nippon at Roberto Cavalli’s 150th anniversary party

Partying with designer Prabal Gurung *he’s so hot!* +  Bryanboy at someone’s penthouse apartment on Ile Saint Louis*
Vacationing in Amanpulo  *that little island on the right* with friends (thanks CV Travel!) + realizing I love the beach a lot after all!

Being in “secluded” Amanpulo… it was the most relaxing, stress-free vacation ever!

Being photographed and featured on Look Magazine

Being photographed and featured on Celebrity Living Magazine

Finally meeting  the super fabulous Tina, aka THE Bagsnob, with Bryanboy in Taiwan

Being invited to Florence for Luisaviaroma’s 10th anniversary party
Adopting Ling Ling! Thanks to Nitrolicious for baptising her with the name πŸ™‚
Meeting popular Canadian talkshow host Jian Ghomeshi thru Daphne OseΓ±a Paez *Thank you Daphne!*

Being featured in Tabu Magazine, Romania

Meeting photographer Tommy Ton of Jak and Jill Blog

Meeting the gorgeous Jane Aldrige of Sea of Shoes

Receiving amaaazing DKNY booties that came straight from the DKNY runway FW2010 !
Receiving another runway piece! A gorgeous full length Kenzo coat, which also came from the Kenzo runway show! 
There were ups and downs (Mostly ups! The downs became grossly insignificant and irrelevant), but bottom line is, 2010 was really fantastic. I want to thank all the people/ publications/ companies who have been so supportive of me last year, and would like to especially thank my family, my few but true friends, and of course, Bryanboy, because he is one of the most selfless people I know.  Case in point *and you can see from the photos above*: He brought me with him to so many unforgettable Paris Fashion Week after- parties *it was dizzying trying to name them all, one by one*, and  more importantly, because we had soooo much fun being flatmates in Paris!

And before I end this post, here are my serious New Year’s Resolutions for 2011 (hahaha I bullet- pointed them *loser!!*): 

  • To make a difference *I know, soooo vague hahaha*
  • To work harder and to stop being so lazy *Confession: I actually got sooo lazy in 2010– I could’ve done so much more*
  • To be more organized *Ok this is a yearly resolution that just does not seem to get doooone! Boo! hahaha, ok I’m trying again for 2011*
  • To edit my closet *Loong overdue*, throw a charity garage sale, and make room for more bags hahahaha *it’s expected, already, right?*
  • To remain grounded, humble, and be gracious *and if I don’t, I have friends and family who will thwap me right away!*. 
  • To never go through life with the intention (malicious or otherwise) of competing with anyone but myself– competition can get unhealthy and will only attract enemies *even if you have no intention of attracting that kind of negativity* and it can be toxic and self- destructive. That’s definitely not on my agenda *only a serious nutcase would want that– last I checked, I’m not crazy yet hehehe… gosh I hope I’ll never be!!* :). I’m just a happy camper doing my own little thing πŸ™‚ So this year, I will let go of the negatives I “unfortunately” gained from my wonderfully positive experiences– because the positives will always trump the negatives! So boo and shoo to the negatives this 2011! Using a fly swatter to swat off negatives lol*  I hope other people can  learn to be more mature and be respectful. Because as long as I know I don’t deliberately do anything to hurt anyone, my conscience remains clear. And that’s what matters at the end of the day πŸ™‚
  • Oh and the last resolution *this is the most important one of all hahaha*: I promise to buy myself a really effective set of earplugs so I won’t complain about my husband’s snoring anymore *hahahaha sorry DH :D*

Hopefully 2011 remains as positive and happy as 2010– and I wish this on everyone *without prejudice* because everyone deserves to have happiness in their lives *one less bitter person in this world :)* Happy, positive people are fun to be with πŸ™‚ Sorry this post came a little late (this post should’ve happened on January 1!), but hey, better late than never, right? πŸ™‚

HAPPY 2011 for the umpteenth time, everyone!! Oh, and if I may shamelessly ask you peeps– if you do have a Twitter account, do follow me as I update there more than the blog *one liners are much easier to publish :D* www.twitter.com/thebaghag

Mrs. T

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