NEW YEAR Bag Picks from Nordstrom!

I just had to pick some new bags from Nordstrom to start my 2011!

Burberry Belted Shoulder Bag

Burberry Check Print Belted Shoulder Bag

I have not owned a Burberry bag for the longest time. But if I were to make a choice, I’d go for this bag. I’ve been liking the belted design of Burberry for a few seasons now, and couldn’t settle between a 2 handled tote or a single strap bag. But after seeing the bag in the flesh, I think this Burberry Belted Shoulder Bag would be my choice ๐Ÿ™‚

Actual size of the bag. Not bad at all!

It’s also not really in the traditional Burberry check color– and this newer shade appeals to me more than the traditional one.

And then there’s Valentino. First it was the studded flats that Alexa Chung wore. Now it’s this Valentino Rock Stud Large Bag that I am very drawn to.

Valentino rock stud bag
It’s a muted rocker chic bag that spells lady-like as well. I love how all those themes came together for this bag!
Time to do more internet shopping at Nordstrom — and again, I can’t tell you how happy I am that they’ve also pre-calculated the tax and tariff you need to pay should you have your purchase shipped to the Philippines ๐Ÿ™‚ 
2011’s really going to be great because a lot of major retailers are now offering shipping and tax inclusive shopping to the Philippines! Our shopping choices just keep getting better! ๐Ÿ™‚

Mrs. T

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