Event Blog: Moroso

Wow. Today was really a looooong day!
After a very enjoyable afternoon- long shoot for a magazine, I headed to the Moroso x Rajo Laurel event with my friends. Traffic was really horrible, and I was honestly really not feeling well– my post-nasal drip has caused me to have sore throat today, and it was not fun at all.  I had no appetite to eat and my energy level was at an all- time low. I actually just sat down for the most part of the night.
But even if I was under the weather, I still went to the launch to support my friend Salome who was chosen to be one of Rajo’s muses.

 And on the 2nd floor of Moroso where there was more furniture,

I took the opportunity to shoot a “portrait” of my friend. Just thought I might share the photo with you because it’s actually one of my favorite shots of the night 🙂 Salome was stunning!

The event was very well- attended. And those who came to support the Moroso and Rajo Laurel party were

The very svelte Liz Almoro who carried a delicate beaded clutch;

Candy Dizon, who carried a Chanel bag and sported this “rock” on her finger.

Statuesque Divine Lee in Rajo Laurel, who came with Victor Basa, but is seen here with Rajo’s partner Nix Alanon
And then there were the very lovely Summit girls– Pauline Juan of Preview Magazine, and Isha Andaya of Style Bible.

Tessa Valdes in Rajo Laurel. She carried a Joanna Lhuillier clutch

CV Travel’s Claudette Vitug , Amelia Ting, with CATS’ Grace Ang

A fashion show which showcased the Fall/ Winter clothes of Rajo Laurel was the highlight of the night.

Rajo says these clothes will be shipped off to New York next week for showing. Such amazing news for Rajo Laurel!
Congratulations, Rajo, and congratulations to the Coyiuto family for bringing in the beautiful furniture of Moroso into the Philippines! 
Now I’m off to pack *sob someone pack for me, please!!* And hopefully I can get shuteye immediately after. I need to get well already. I don’t want to feel under the weather when I head off to Singapore. Promise to keep you all posted 🙂

Mrs. T

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