HK Disneyland and the Central Bank of The Bag Hag

Hey everyone! I just got back today from a really nice 3 day vacay with my second kid. I figured this is what we moms should do every so often– take each kid out of town on separate occasions. That way you can get to know your child as an individual better. And though I was initially horrified to bring my 5 year old not-so-little-one (because we’ve never traveled alone together), I was glad I did. I learned so much about this pint-sized mini- me (everyone says 2nd DK’s my mini me hahaha) on this trip– and I wouldn’t have learned them if I was with both kids.
Anyway, the trip was memorable because I made mini-me extremely happy (and let’s leave that at that :D). But even more memorable was the permanent souvenir souvenirs I had to take home with me from our little trip to Hong Kong Disneyland. 
(photo credit: HongKong-Attractions.Com)
I swear, peeps. HK Disneyland, this is Strike 2 for you *ok, more like your “residents” hahaha.  Are you all wondering what I had to bring back with me?
SEVEN extremely swollen, extremely red, extremely itchy wasp/ bee stings. All courtesy of the bees/ wasps of Hong Kong Disneyland. Yes, if Fabio decided to claim my nose for his little slice of prime property on my face awhile back (hahaha remember Fabio my pimple, the one that didn’t wanna leave my nose? :D), 7 pesky little illegal aliens decided to claim my legs and my right arm as “their” territory!! Ugh, I should be naming them, but let’s not or they’ll get too comfy and stay on forever (morbid thought, really).
Before I show you the souvenirs, here’s a little 4-1-1 on why this is HK Disneyland’s “Strike 2”. Strike 1 happened a year ago when both DKs, DH, and I all went to HK Disneyland. And I got stung twice close to the ankle bone– one of those bites “bubbled” up and was filled with *shudders* pus. (Hehehe sorry, TMI!) So anyway, thankfully Dr. Montero, a famous dermatologist who practices both in Iloilo and in Dubai, taught me to prick the *shudders again* bubble and smear bactroban on it for the next few days, and just take an antihistamine (and to be safe, an antibiotic). My souvenir from that wasp sting is still visible– there’s small dark circle in the bite’s place. *big frown*.
Now, I have SEVEN bites– 6 of which are on my legs, 4 of those on the left, 2 on the right. Then there’s one smaller bite on my right arm. There goes my once- scar/ blemish free legs *bawls*. After these bites subside, I’m sure that my legs will be like a friggin’ Central Bank. Central Bank of The Bag Hag. (There will be dark spots shaped like coins in place of the red bites, hence Central Bank– full of coins on the legs hahaha). 
Want to see the photo of my leg? Click HERE. If not, don’t even bother going there or you’ll regret it, big time hahahaha.
Ok I can laugh about them now, because what other choice do I really have, right?
Anyway, again, everything else went extremely well, apart from that nasty HK Disneyland adventure misadventure (oh, oh, and did I tell you that while we were there in Disneyland, it suddenly rained so hard– not just rain- rain, it was actually a friggin’ thunderstorm, complete with lightning and rumbling thunder– and strong winds!! DK’s shoes and socks were soaking wet, and well, my super old LV lombok loafers were all wet too, but believe it or not, the wetness didn’t go inside the shoes! So kudos to LV– the shoes were worth every single cent I paid for after all hahaha:D).

So peeps, I will end my post now– give me a day of rest first (since today is Tresorie’s 3rd year anniversary sale). Then tomorrow or Monday, I will talk about my very,  very, very pleasant stay in Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, with special thanks to two wonderful people from Mandarin Oriental Manila and Hong Kong who made sure our stay was extremely relaxing and super luxe 🙂


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