Travelog: The Armoury at the Kremlin

We didn’t leave Moscow without seeing the Kremlin. You’ve seen photos of the beautiful metro stations of Moscow that we visited 

Lubyanka Station– this was where one of the bombings occurred. And we were here just a few days earlier. I still get chills thinking about what had happened 😦 So sad 😦

Anyway, after the beautiful metro stations, you will now get to see some of the best Russian treasures on display at The Armoury in the Kremlin.

The coronation gown of the Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas II.

I had to stare at her willowy waist…  She must’ve had an 18″ waist!! But she had broad shoulders.

More royal gowns

Catherine the Great’s gown

Their royal robes are unbelievably well- preserved. It was really amazing to be able to see these pieces of history in person.

And now, onto the ancient Russian regalia

That cap on the right (on a pillow) is the Cap of Monomakh– all Tzars were crowned with this cap, so until 1721, when Peter the Great replaced this cap with the Imperial Crown of Russia, as he adopted the title of “Emperor” when Russia was declared an Empire.

There were lots of emeralds, rubies, diamonds in these ceremonial items. We were bowled over. And all these pieces are really, really old and are of major historical significance.

Pearls, enamels, aquamarines, and diamonds adorn this very stylized cap.

Gold gilt roccoco style thrones with the royal insignia from the 18th century– of Empress Elizabeth and of Emperor Paul. So impressive in person.

And then there were the very imposing and jaw-dropping

These carriages are massive in size. And if these carriages were used today, they would tower over modern vehicles without question. My hair stood on ends when I passed through this carriage exhibit. There was something very “fairytale-like” about these carriages, but there was also something very… scary (or should I just use the word imposing) about them– and I’m not just saying it because of their size. But again, the whole carriage exhibit was very, very, very impressive.
Now from the Armory– 
(hehehe look, the double C emblem with a crown on top on those 3 .. Methinks, Chanel :D)
And then, these very ornate bible covers made with Russian enamels. These bible covers were huge too.
More enamels with diamonds, and other precious stones. I love how they cover their bibles with these.
Another one with latticework and precious stones, with Russian enamels. These are really gorgeous. Priceless pieces… I couldn’t stop shaking my head in awe… And I think most of the visitors had their jaws open the whole time too.
And then, the very famous Carl Fabergé eggs. 
The Armoury is really impressive. I don’t think there’s any exhibit that could top this one. The Armoury at the Kremlin is one of the reasons why you should visit Moscow.
I hope you peeps enjoyed this post 🙂 
P.S. All photos published above are mine, so please ask for my permission and don’t forget to credit  this site if you intend to repost my photos 🙂 Greatly appreciate it.
Mrs. T

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