Travelog: Shibuya at Night

My goodness. So I ended up sleeping super late last night. Watched the news about Tiger Woods. Couldn’t sleep because I had tea overload. My body is officially swimming in caffeine πŸ˜‰ But I can’t help it. Hot tea is so nice since the weather here is really chilly.

So this morning, I woke up late. Hahaha, good thing my other friend must’ve had such sweet dreams about her new loot that she missed breakfast because she too, woke up late!!  πŸ™‚ We had to forego plans to go to Harajuku today and will instead move that to tomorrow. 

We were at Shibuya and went into this small Japanese department store which sold all kinds of things. I think this is the competitor of Loft. And it had a Japanese name. I was so tempted to buy these pans!!
They came in different colors!!!
Floral Glasses

Hmmm I was getting hungry when I saw these. Want some dessert?

Take a closer look… Cacti!!! See them?

At the Tsutaya Building, Starbucks has a new flavor!

Sakura Frapuccino. I will try it before we go. It’s just I have been eating SO much (like green tea etc) that frothy drinks are the last on my list of things to eat or drink.

We had to eat curry on this trip, so ta-dah! Tonkatsu Curry πŸ™‚ 

There was a Sanrio- Hello Kitty store in Shibuya 0101, and I found the PERFECT something for me πŸ™‚ I will share this with you soon– or better yet, when I get back to Manila, I will either hold another teeny tiny contest (to win a Japanese souvenir hahahaha)  for it πŸ™‚ *You have time to think about what it is before I make that official contest announcement hahaha*

We ended up having crepes for dessert. The problem is, what is “promised” is not what was “delivered”. Look at how tiny my crepe was in comparison to what was on display!! False advertising! I was misled!! Hahahaha

For dinner, we went to a restaurant “grill” where we had lots of beef and ribs. Was too tired to take photos because it was all smoky too, but when the dessert came, I couldn’t help but take photos. My friend did the honors of holding our desserts.

*Muwahahahahaha* This photo’s tooo funny! Our friends all had a very good laugh– and I hope you find this funny too hahaha* The dessert= Orange sorbet, served in oranges!!! πŸ™‚ And it was realllly refreshing and quite yummy too!

This was Shibuya at night, at Hachiko Crossing. I wonder if this crossing ever gets empty during the day or during after- office hours.

I am still in awe…. *whoaaaaa*
Ok now this is for real. I need to get some early shuteye. Tomorrow is a looong day. We are planning on hitting Akihabara quickly, before heading to Harajuku, Omotesando, Aoyama,  Minato-ku
I hope I wake up early πŸ˜€ 
P.S.  As promised, here are the shots from Hermes Ginza πŸ™‚  Soleil birkin came first!

Then came the bougainvillea. Both 30cm in size. Sooo cute!!

 The 3rd birkin is not in the photo because we were still waiting for it when I took this shot πŸ˜€
Mrs. T

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