Pey Vey Sey Bags (Wot???)

At Harrods, I just went straight for the signature Harrods totes. You see, I love collecting them. I bought a few and went to the nice man at the cashier. He’s about 20 years old. The cashier’s a cute one *covers DH’s eyes hahaha*. And then with that monotone of a voice, he says “So you like Pey Vey Sey?” I had to fake a British accent (which was just veddy veddy bad– ear piercing I might add hahaha) and say, “Excuse me? What Wot did you say?”

“These bags. They’re Pey Vey Sey. You like Pey Vey Sey Bags so you’ve got quite a bit of ’em.” Oh ma Gawsh. He meant PVC! These Harrods bags were all made of PVC! So I regained my composure, stifled a laugh, and said, “Quite right I do.” The young man continues, “they’re made in China, you sey.” To which I replied “they make everything in China these days, but they’re not available in China if you know not where to find them.” (Super faking British accent hahahaha).

He goes on to nod, and then after sorting out the bags I bought *which really made my friend roll her eyes in laughter hahaha*, he said *again, in a monotone voice, like he’s Soooo tired of his job*, “Would you like anything else? Choc-lits, die-rections perhaps?” I couldn’t contain my laughter anymore. Because I found this accent so terribly cute. “No thank you, lovely day to you!” And he nodded his head and smiled thereafter. Boy, these British people have got that “Stiff upper lip” down pat! *I must learn this! hahahaha*

So without further ado, here are the Pey Vey Seys that I “like” so much 😀


Heck, even Marc Jacobs has PVC bags… look at this one!

And the photo that would end all Pey Vey Sey photos, ME (yes, the heart’s back on), with my new red Cath Kidston PVC tote beside the huge Harrods bear, wearing what was quite possibly the most hideous and least flattering outfit of all time.
Now let’s talk about the outfit, as I’m sure you’re dying to tell me I look like a… hmm… walking fashion mistake. I agreeeee!!! 🙂  Let me tell you what happened with my shoes. I was actually wearing a nice pair of “equestrienne” black boots (circa 1995) when it rained. While walking on the wet streets of London, I felt something damp on my big toe. I asked my friend if she had felt the same thing, thinking it was just the cold, biting weather getting into my feet, and she said she hadn’t felt “damp in her toes.” So I looked at the sole of my boot and oh crud, there was this teeny tiny hole on the big toe area. I have finally outworn my 14 year old boots!! In London, of all places (where everything is expensive)!! *Screams* So I had to beg her to help me find a new pair of boots. We first went into Louis Vuitton where I saw this beautiful Uggs- like black suede boots with gold buckles, lined with some kind of fur. Priced at £700++. Yours truly had the gall to try them on. My friend had to cover her mouth to keep from gagging *of laughter* because the man who had helped me with the shoes saw my black socks with semi- wet big toe (I bet he was cringing and wondering if I will buy the boots I was about to try because the boots might smell afterwards  if I don’t get them, and he’d have a really hard time selling them hahahahahha). That man has something to worry about indeed, because I never bought the boots *muwahahahaha baaad girrrl* . For one, they were CRAZY expensive, and two, totally impractical *unless it starts snowing in the Philippines!*. Anyway, we decided to go across the street to Burberry instead.  I saw the Burberry nova check wellingtons (which I had seen in SF for US$90+) and they were being sold at Burberry Bond Street for £150. “I was NOT going to buy the wellies at full price,” I scoffed. Soooo I ended up with the black and gray pair of boots that you see in the photo– because those boots were not on sale in the U.S.– at least I didn’t see them there. So there. Which is why my outfit in this photo made me look like a fireman who has plans to go skiing after work 🙂  *muwahahahaha*. 
Have a veddy, veddy lovely weekend!! 🙂

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