Royalista Alert– PATRICK UY EXHIBIT: Bhutan, The Last Shangrila

Hey peeps! If you’re not doing anything this weekend, I HIGHLY recommend going to Shangrila Mall to check out Patrick Uy’s photo exhibit entitled, BHUTAN, The Last Shangrila. (woohoo, Shangrila At Shangrila :D)

I went to the exhibit launch at 8pm last July 28 (yes, yes, I was 2 hours late–but oye I was not late late yet because there were still SO many guests milling about :D!), and was so taken aback by the beautiful photos taken at the coronation of the new King of Bhutan(The Crown)

by ace photographer Patrick Uy, his lovely wife Evelyn Uy, John Tronco, and Philip Santos.

I’ve always been curious to see Bhutan, and to see all these beautiful images through the lens of Patrick Uy was really a big treat! Patrick Uy and his team were soooooo privileged to have been invited to the coronation of King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck! It’s not everyday you get the privilege to take photos of a member of a Royal family, let alone a KING!!

A little 4-1-1 on King Jigme: He’s only 28-year-old *young!!*, is an Oxford-educated bachelor *verrrryyy smart!!*, is Bhutan’s 5th king, and is now the world’s youngest reigning monarch.(Did I mention that he’s good- looking? hehe :D)

These are some of my favorite images
Doing the dance (this is such a powerful photo– I can see why Patrick chose this for his “main” image for the exhibit)(Another cute guy hehehe)

Such a beautiful girl! (Reminds me of NatGeo photos)

To view all those beautiful photos, please go see the whole exhibit (these photos are simply amazing, and I cannot stress that enough). The exhibit only runs until AUGUST 2, this SUNDAY, at the Shangrila Mall Lobby (beside the carousel :D) Bring your kids too– they’ll love the photos since they’re all soo colorful!



3 thoughts on “Royalista Alert– PATRICK UY EXHIBIT: Bhutan, The Last Shangrila

  1. Great photos, can only imagine what a spectacle it must be to see in real life. Will see it with my hubby this weekend. Ty for heads up!

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