Question and Answer time again :)

*Looks at the previous post… killer Louboutins or kinda-practical Gucci bag?*

Tough choice. One I refuse to *err, rather, CANNOT* make. Because well, I don’t have US$850 (or that additional $5 hehe) anymore (mounting credit card bills, hellllloooo) ๐Ÿ˜ฆ *Sob* I wish I have that kind of money lying around for one of those two beauties *Biiiiig Sigh* ๐Ÿ˜€

Speaking of Louboutins, I MUST share this with you peeps! I was in Paris not so long ago and managed to visit the Christian Louboutin boutique, only to have been made to wait a good 30 minutes for service since all the sales associates were assisting 2 very classy and “polished” Middle- Eastern LWL (ladies who lunch :D). At the time, I saw all the opened shoe boxes on the floor (more than 20 shoes) and was trying to figure out if these women would take all or buy none hehe. I took a look at one of the women, and then looked at her bag which was on the FLOOR.


It was a 40cm Hermes birkin in Blue Brighton Crocodile– WITH DIAMONDS!!! *For price reference, a 30cm crocodile birkin with diamonds already costs US$195,000+/-*

Anyway, after 30 minutes, she ended up buying over a DOZEN pair of Louboutins. *Cha ching cha ching… that’s like US$10k+++ for a dozen shoes!!* (I wanted to be her handmaiden at that point hahaha… OR even better– I wished I had an oil field for a backyard hahahaha *materialistic baghag hehehe*)

*Paparazzi Alert!!* I managed to take a photo of her as she was paying for her shoes (methinks she paid with an Amex black card)– I really just wanted to take a photo of her birkin but pfft, the iPhone doesn’t do zoom. So I had no choice but to take a wide shot ๐Ÿ™‚
I froze after she (and the sales associates who were only too happy to walk her to her car) walked past me. I could only stare (and obviously I looked like an idiot staring… but hey, the other clients *who were kept waiting for service* stared at her too hahaha).

She walked out with her friend and rode a Mercedes Benz Maybach *it’s a custom made Mercedes Benz that costs over US$ 300,000!!! * Oh and did I mention she also had another car following her car? *Bodyguards!!*(photo credit:

Which now begs a theoretical question about money (and politics– hehe in light of the upcoming 2010 presidential elections): IF you were to run for president *with an extremely high chance of winning the election* and your worthy opponent offers you US$50 million (cold, hard cash) just so you abandon your presidential campaign and lead a quiet life away from politics, would you take the money?

*Muwahahaha* devil’s advocate alert: If you take the money, you’ll have all the luxuries and what- have- yous within your reach… think of all the Hermes, Louboutins (like the lady who had THAT much spending power up there in that photo) that you can have within a flick of your black Amex card! hehehehehe

And the more important question: IF you take the money, does that make you a crook/ criminal? And by doing so, does that earn you a spot in hell– considering you didn’t “steal” from anyone, nor did you “ask” to be given the money? (Does taking the money mean you are corrupt?) *Religious minds can help answer this question. I’d really like to hear from you!*

Hehehe… Mind you, I’m not into politics, but I just wanted to throw this question around since it would be interesting to hear what you all have to say ๐Ÿ˜‰

P.S. NEWSFLASH: Goyard Hong Kong has indefinitely closed its designer doors to the bag- loving public effective July 25, 2009. I initially thought too, that they were losing money, but their rep said they are not permanently leaving hk. (if they were losing money, they’d have closed all shops worldwide!) Apparently the hk operations needed some internal organizational restructuring. Once they straighten things out, I’m sure they’ll be up and running again. But for now, no word yet on when they will reopen. Stay tuned!


21 thoughts on “Question and Answer time again :)

  1. i wish i had that kind of spending power!! id rather take the money offered.nyahaha.having a place in the govt might force me to be corrupt( since it's already corrupt to start with!) and that would make me feel more of a criminal..stealing from millions of people. ma karma pa ako. accepting the money makes you feel bad for a while but atleast it was offered, not stolen.i'd rather leave the position to someone else with more passion for the country or the country's funds. hahaha.

  2. Hey Mrs T,Oh my! Such a story! That makes me speechless! Thanks for sharing. *Daydreams about all the possible bags in the condo.* Regarding your question, the money would be quite tempting. I would love the idea of having every wish fulfilled: the lavish things I could have, the donations I could make to homeless and pet shelters all over the world, visits to far flung nations and help rebuild schools for girls, food for all the starving families in the world. And plus, I would not have my mistakes flashed all over the world? Truly tempting! I'd take the money, Mrs T. And the only reason is that I could do more with that money in hand (altruistic desires) right now than what I have seen some presidents do in the 4 years of office. Thanks for the thought-evoking question. Have a good one, Mrs T.

  3. Does becoming president expose you to more corruption? If so I will just take the money and enjoy the quiet life and with luxuries. Choose the lesser evil

  4. Well since I hate politics, I'd rather take the money and go buy all high-end brands..I can even buy a unit in the upper east side in NY or take a vacation to Greece, Maldives, and Paris. Taking the money doesn't mean your corrupt, it means your taking the quiet, peaceful, and extravaganza life.

  5. oh my gosh, without question, of course i would take the money. i would just try to look at it as a very generous gift or token. i mean, you weren't paid the money to do something bad or commit a crime anyway, right? and besides, i could also use the money to give to charity and good causes! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. first thing I'll do is pray about it. diba the bible says we have to pray for everything ask the Lord and He will answer us. If God said run for president i would, that would only mean He has a purpose for me. if God said no then i will not run…for me the $50M is not an option. its tempting yes…u can buy a lot of things…material things… having money…lots of it, is happiness and security but not JOY. Joy comes from within.and Joy comes knowing who Jesus is…our Lord and savior. and God really provides. He supplies all our need according to His richness and Glory.this is just my ans. God Bless everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I will NOT take the money. The tempting offer of $50m would mean I'm worth at least that, and given the high chance of winning, I'd rather be the president. To be able to resist such an offer is already a test. About the luxuries, well, once I'm president I can have those too (bullet-proof cars, bodyguards, nice suits, Malacanang palace, etc). All the first ladies have those too. I bet presidents have been gifted with luxuries not really as bribes but as what family and friends would give as they deserve only the best. It still boils down to what I really want, i.e., serve the country and do the best I can.

  8. Hi there. I came across your blog because a friend recommended it as she said you'd probably be the best person to answer my question…. I have recently decided to buy myself a man bag. I've never really had the desire to actually buy myself one because I've never had a use for them. However, I've recently found myself traveling quite often and my laptop bag just doesn't cut it. I was wondering what brand and style would you recommend for me to get. I'm a 33 yr old guy who's looking for a subtle branded bag that won't make me look gay. I've been looking online but been overwhelmed by the choices. I don't want something to big but not too small either. Something to hold my passport, wallet, phone, a book, camera and other possible essentials. Sorry to dump this on you this way but I'd really appreciate any advice you can give me. Much thanks.

  9. I would in a heartbeat!, then donate 10% to my church and give Mrs. T one of those Croc Birkins. Heck, I feel like wining on a lottery if I had a togo one, whan ore if its a Croc? with diamonds!!!

  10. people in the middle east are paid more than they deserve. the economy is crazy here! you have 28 year old members of the board – who know absolutely nothing – but are on the board simply because they are Emiratis – one funny story: during a board meeting, the chairman's only concern was that the colours of the marketing campaign was not nice to look at – he was not interested to talk about finance or sales (guess is he can't understand)…so dont envy them – they should envy us because we are educated and did not buy our way into life – after all, when oil money dries out in a few years…

  11. I'll take the money and buy all the shoes and bags I can afford!! As President I won't be able to raise that amount nor feed my shopping addiction without a scandal! (and don't we have too much already?).

  12. Not wanting to sound like I am sourgraping, but the lady can have her millions or rather billions. I would rather have the freedom to walk in a beach in tank top, shorts and flipflops and not worry about the imams ordering that I be stoned to death.

  13. Thanks for your thoughts, peeps :)I'm answering that question I asked in my next post hehehe. You're welcome, Mary D ๐Ÿ˜€ khaz: Lol, I just want to be her yaya, I'm ok already hahaha.petitboyblogger: Aww you are the sweetest! And I'll *heart* you forever for giving me a birkin hahaha (and I'll respond to that too in my next post)abstract things: I totally agree about feeding shopping addiction without getting into some kind of scandal hahaRicky: Man bag– I'm thinking the Monogram Macassar Soft Briefcase– that's if you have a compact camera and VERY little else to put inside the bag. Otherwise, I'd highly recommend the LV waterproof monogram keepall (Sean Connery ad campaign). I looove that bag! I honestly think you'll love that bag too ๐Ÿ™‚ Anon re: Middle Eastern Women– you have a very good point too. And as for their wealth, welll, I still want to know how to make that much money ๐Ÿ˜‰ *And I think the only way really is to have your own oil field :D*

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