BAG REVIEW: Christian Louboutin

I love Christian Louboutin shoes (who doesn’t?), but I’m not sure if I am willing to shell out $$$ to buy his bags.

Like this for instance.It just reminds me too much of the cheesy gift ribbons 😉 I love the “kisslock” enclosure though– shoes!! Priced at US$895.

Then there’s the velvet version which is pricier at US$945. Both are available at

But I really doubt I’ll be persuaded to buy one of these bags. In the even I am made to choose though, I’d probably go with the blue velvet. But nah. I’ll just save money and buy a pair of his shoes 😉


One thought on “BAG REVIEW: Christian Louboutin

  1. Louboutin's shoes are gorgeous, but they're too painful for my comfort. But hey, that's not the only thing we ladies put ourselves through for the sake of beauty! Their clutches though, are gorgeous and although kind of pricey, i still think it is a worthwhile investment. Love the trademark shoes clasps.I chanced upon your blog by googling for certain bags and I'm excited to see another bag addict in Singapore! Blog rolled.

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