Locked- out!!!

My bathroom door got locked– and we lost the key!!!!!!
Imagine my shock, horror, and disbelief. Thanks to my citrine bracelet which I either wear, or keep in my purse, I hold court daily in my “throne” room *muwahahaha*. Yes, the citrine bracelet has eased my digestion, so much so that I get the chance to sit on my throne everyday to read Reader’s Digest ๐Ÿ˜€ *hahaha information overshare hahaha*

Tonight though, after the Samsung event (where the new Ultra touch phone was unveiled) held at Embassy where I was in the good company of the wonderful folks from Preview Magazine as well as style icon DaphnePaez (style icon chuvaness was not in town for the event), I headed home (after a little after-dinner snack at Puccini hehe).

Looking forward to spending some quiet “me” time in my Throne Room. *hehehe Royal Baghag Wannabe* ๐Ÿ˜€

21:30 hours— I turned the doorknob of the Throne Room door and it was locked. No worries, I thought to myself. I’ll just open the door with the key. Besides, I’m in no “rush”… yet. *hehehe if you catch my drift*.

I went and found the whole set of home keys and began the laborious process of checking each key, inserting key into position and trying to turn the knob. No luck with each key I tried….

The last key went in (like the others). I was already breaking out in cold sweat (and the a/c was on, by the way hahaha). I knew I had too much to eat again. I regretted having an evening snack. Those Puccini Gnocco Frittos were impossible to turn down– I just had two anyway. But my stomach was already churning vitriol. Me no likey the aftertaste and the thought of what could happen if I can’t find the key to the bathroom door.

I turned the key and prayed hard (I mean, HARD). NOTHING. The very last key was NOT the key to the bathroom!!!

22:00 hours— *Mrs.T screams*

DH rushes over from the kids’ room, looks at me and at bathroom doorknob and says, “Goodness, tell me you didn’t.”

I pouted and just doubled over.

22:15 hours— No need for words. I rushed out of our room and into my DKs’ throne room.

I have a thing for bathrooms, you see. It has to be my bathroom or I can’t be comfortable. If I am in a hotel room, I claim the bathroom as mine and I’m ok– as long as there is no grime on the grout, puddles of water (muddy floor as a result), dirt on the floor, or an overpowering stench.
DKs‘ bathroom is always clean, so I had no problems with it. But it was NOT my own! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I couldn’t give my reign my 100% while sitting on a borrowed throne.

**Do not paint a mental picture of what I was doing while I was in my DKs’ throne room… please! Spare me a little dignity hahahaha***

Afterwards, I went back to my room, where DH was still frantically looking for THE key. It had disappeared mysteriously. I couldn’t take that for an answer when I asked him if he had taken the key. It seems that he had handled THE key once. But to his knowledge, he had returned it back to where the other keys are.

22:30 hours— But THE key was NOT there! So instead of harping about a lost key, we both got to work. I got 2 bobby pins and straightened them out and began picking the lock.

DH, though, had other plans. His smart idea was to go online and google “How to pick a lock”. *muwahahaha tsk what a nerd hahahaha* He actually googled it, and there it was, on youtube!!! “How to pick a normal lock.” *Doubles over with laughter*

This was what our door lock looks like. We began picking it with pins…


My bathroom door is STILL LOCKED!!! The keyhole has been severely abused. If it were alive, it would’ve reported us to the authorities already because we practically molested it. Poor keyhole.
(You can see the guts of the keyhole without even trying to shine a light into it hahahaha, and check out the nasty scars hahaha)

But despite the now- larger size of the keyhole *muwahahaha*, we still couldn’t pick the lock! This has got to be the most insanely “secure” locked doorknob in the world. I’ve even been able to pick the lock of my own room at my parents’ place in the past (my second DB has in fact taken to calling me “Pro” *hahah professional!!* at one time because I was able to pick the locks on his old room as well as his old drawer hahahaha). But this? This takes the cake…

04:00 hours— In an hour, I will see the sun rise. DH has taken to hammering in a screwdriver into the keyhole. He is already one unhappy, frustrated man. *Muwahaha sad*. Still NO luck… And the key? We’ve totally abandoned the idea of finding it somewhere in our room.

I think I will just crawl to bed for the night and try to get some rest. I so desperately need to use MY bathroom for my night rituals… but HOW?!?!? *SOB* I Miss My Bathroom!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


4 thoughts on “Locked- out!!!

  1. if your door doesn’t have a thick overlay (hard to explain) between the door and the wall, have you tried to slide a card in between?i’ve locked myself out of the house when i was a kid and it worked. just make sure the card isn’t that important because it will get scratched. :S

  2. Heavens, you’re so adorable… *chuckle*… throne room… *choking on laughter*…I do feel quite a kinship with you however… but my throne-ing reading material consists of Reader’s Digest and Anne Rice novels…Hahaha… and I can’t do what needs to be done in a bathroom without a bidet… sorry, I know this is getting a little too graphic, but your entry was just ridiculously hilarious, I couldn’t help myself.I am now officially declaring allegiance to the baghag fandom… *mischievous smile*.

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