Yogini and the bags at Neiman Marcus

WOoOHoOOoo THANK YOU for the outpour of support for my “new” activity, Bikram Yoga! I’m sooooo pleased that you hags are pushing/ encouraging me to do this. Today’s my 3rd time and I actually am beginning to get the hang of it. I feel so good after, but natch I still feel like fainting while doing the positions. But again, THANK YOU ALL for being so supportive. I need peeps to push me to continue to do this. And special thanks to ChrisL for giving me that extra nudge to start! I can’t believe this is the beginning of a “healthier” lifestyle. I just pray that I can really sustain this. You hags out there, come join Bikram Yoga in Makati and get in touch with me if you plan to get started too! (Haha what a great way to meet!! :D)

Anywayyy, it’s time for me to talk about bags again– it’s been a looong time since I did a bag review. Today’s a good time to do it because Neiman Marcus is having that “private shopping one day only” sale!

Sad to say though, this particular bag that caught my eye, isn’t on sale.

Yves Saint Laurent Y- Mail tote. I love this gold bag. A nice cabas is certainly a welcome in my bag closet since these days, I like to haul my whole house out and into my bag πŸ˜€ I was rather shocked though with the pricetag of the bag considering the simplicity of its design. Priced at US$1,295 at Neimanmarcus.com

What’s on sale for 30% off though, is this YSL Rive Gauche croc embossed leather tote! Priced at US$1895 originally, the tote will now just set you back by US$1,327. You save a good US$568+! And by the way, the ombre leather version of the Rive Gauche is likewise on sale!

This is sooooo SERIOUSLY eerie that I must mention. I was looking at this very Prada tote just a few days ago. I was telling DH that I had taken to a liking to the frame style as well as the powder pink color. And then today, someone decided to send over the VERY SAME bag to Tresor for consignment. My jaw literally dropped when I saw the bag. It is sooo pretty, but after having paid for my own Holy Grail ’08, I no longer have the funds to cough up for this baby. *sob*. Anyway, NeimanMarcus.com is selling this very bag for US$1,950 (which translates to about Php 83k tax excluded). Tax inclusive you’d be looking at paying Php 90k for it. The baghag who sent over the bag to me, wishes to sell it for just Php 75,000 *and note, it’s brand spanking new*. Sooo anyone who has the excess funds, I totally recommend the bag. I’m sooo in love with it. I’ve resisted buying Prada’s ruched leather bags in the past because I thought they might just be a “trend”, but it seems destined for a few more seasons! Love, love, love the bag. It’s the perfect bag for a romantic dinner out. *Seriously… I wish I had the moolah for this one :(*

I know, this Tod’s T bag can be a little unsightly to look at, with its rectangular (vertical) shape, and those bulging pockets. But if you are looking for something on the functional side, and a black bag, then you might want to consider this bag. Exterior pockets are a plus for me, as they’ve been proven to be great for the mobile phone, keys. Basically they’re your exterior bag organizers (especially for someone as messy as I). Best of all, the main zippered compartment extends all the way to the side for that “wider” bag opening! Priced originally at US$1,500, the bag is reduced to US$1,050 for the sale event today!

Now, I think I will need to retire to bed early for that much needed R&R. After all, I still feel sore all over from all that stretching. I hope this soreness goes away soon. I can’t afford to get me a massage so I will have to rely on the hope that since I’m so tired, I can sleep fast and not feel the soreness πŸ™‚

To answer some questions from my comments page:

JanisQ: Thanks for the rah-rah on my decision to do yoga πŸ˜€

: heya Ms. mega clothing retailer πŸ™‚ , when are we meeting up? And yes. The thought of my love handles slowly disappearing is actually what keeps me going back to Yoga haha

: Hello πŸ˜‰ I actually like Fino leather products. And I think I know about that purple croc embossed bag πŸ™‚ Honestly, if you really, really like the bag and think that you will be using the bag a lot, then it’s a worthwhile purchase. Now, if you think that this bag is something that you will only use for a month or so, then I wouldn’t recommend it anymore. After all, Php 7k is still 7k. It’s not lose change πŸ™‚ If the bag will end up “working hard” for you, then for sure it’s worth buying!

Julienne: Heeeyyy girl! I’m so happy to hear from you again, and congrats too on the decision to do yoga! I love lulu lemon clothes but dang, they’re impossibly expensivo here in Manila. *Sob* I have about 5 tops and 3 pairs of pants. That should be enough for a daily workout.

To the other yoginis out there: I wanted to ask, if you do bikram yoga daily, how many of those skid-free towels do you have (the towel you put on top of the mat)? And also, on a more personal note, if you are riding the “crimson wave” (you know, a woman’s time of the month), do you actually go to yoga class still? I mean, it’s just so hot in there and well, isn’t it a tad too uncomfy sweating while you have “red tide”?


8 thoughts on “Yogini and the bags at Neiman Marcus

  1. Hello. I just want to share that I’m in HK right now and I went by the Prada-owned outlet store called SPACE yesterday, and scored some nice finds. I got this http://www.neimanmarcus.com/store/catalog/prod.jhtml?itemId=prod45750124&parentId=cat12360737&masterId=cat14860749&index=36&cmCat=cat000000cat000141cat000149cat000199cat5890735cat000011cat14860749cat12360737at 40% off!! All the items are at 40% off. I saw the pinkish tote you like there, too, and I was planning to give it to my boyfriend’s mom, but alas – all that thinking was to no avail. A nice Japanese lady got it ahead of me 😦 I should have held on to that bag.I hear there are SPACE branches all over Europe, too. Good luck in making your decision!

  2. What about BIRKIN Yoga? πŸ™‚ I’d join in a heartbeat! Hehehe. Just kidding.Way to go Mrs. T. I know in a month’s time (regularly of course) of doing yoga, You’d already see and feel positive results not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well so, carry on. Love your blog.Lee πŸ™‚

  3. go for it, mrs t. and if you want to speed up losing those love handles (could not see any evidence of such though when i saw you last week) then i recommend 30 mins on the treadmill 3x a week. have fun!

  4. HI Mrs. T! I’ve been doing Ashtanga Yoga for quite sometime now here in Cebu… I do own 1 yogitoes… From what my Yoga instructor told me: Your not supposed to do Yoga when u have ur period bcoz the flow would stop since u usually get ur strength & pose from ur Uddiyana Banda… It is advised that u have to rest on those days (3rd day would be ok)… Hope this helps… πŸ™‚

  5. Hi Mrs T! How about some recommendations on cute work-out/yoga bags? =) I’m glad you’re enjoying yoga. Don’t worry, you’ll see the results of your hard work in a couple of months time!AR

  6. hey hey hey, yay for you! i’ve been trying to get back into the yoga groove. target is 3 times a week, but more’s better! i go to the qc studio since it’s closer. now you have reason to have sushi at tsumura after yoga. lol! see ya soon, girl

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